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3rd person
It's been 5 years since they got peace with the grounders. Since then, a few of the grounders have decided to help them. Together they fixed the ark up and built a camp for everyone there. They become friends with 3 of the grounder villages, but the others still wouldn't talk to them. From those villages they met met Roan, Luna, Ilian and Echo. All grounders

Unfortunately, Abby got sick 2 years ago, and passed away in her sleep one night. They burned her body and had a little wake for her. Clarke took that pretty rough and went through a phase of depression. But with the help of Bellamy and her friends, she recovered and is now living her best life.

Clarke and Bellamy are still happily together. Clarke is pregnant, and due to give birth any time. Bellamy and Clarke decided they wanted to continue to live at the drop ship. They re built the inside to be a perfect little house for them and their children they were soon going to have. Bellamy and Clarke don't go to the Ark, but the important people in their life come and visit them all the time.

A year after they got peace with the grounders Lincoln came back. Octavia was pissed at him for leaving but eventually forgave him. Much to Bellamys dis approval, Octavia and Lincoln had a daughter, who was 2 and named Aurorua. Her and Lincoln decided to live at Lincoln's cave. He cleaned it all up and made it into a home for the 3 of them. Octavia has gone to the Ark a total of 5 times, but mostly just goes to the drop ship. To see Clarke and her brother.

Raven finally found happiness with Wick. He and Raven have been together for almost 3 years now. They live at the Ark, but spend 99% of their time at the dropship with Clarke and Bellamy. Wick kept trying to convince Raven to have a child with him, but she wasn't ready and he accepted it, but still continued to ask.

Murphy fell in love with some grounder girl named Emori and ran off with her. No one has seen or heard from him in 4 years. They all missed him, but they knew he was happy so they were glad.

Harper and Monty got together about 6 months ago. Jasper became jealous and started hanging out with other friends he made. Miller fell head over heels for Jackson and they've been together for 11 months. Life for everyone was going great.


"Big brother we're here?" Octavia yelled walking in the drop ship

"Hey O. Lincoln." Bellamy greeted them

"Hey guys. Foods almost ready." Clarke says walking in the drop ship

"Clarke. Look at how big you are." Lincoln exclaims

"Yea, I can't wait to meet this little guy or girl." Clarke rubs her belly.

"Well I hope your hungry. We got deer, fresh water from the fall, Clarke found some berries and a  grounder gave us a cake type thing." Bellamy says

"It better not be a 2 headed deer." Octavia jokingly threatens

"It's not I promise." Clarke laughs

"We're here!" Raven yells from outside

"In here." Octavia yells back at her

"Hey. We got fresh moonshine." Wick says placing it on the table.

"Wow Clarke, smells amazing in here." Raven declares

"Thanks. Been standing over the fire for ever to get the stupid deer cooked perfect." Clarke complains

"Isn't That your job Bellamy?" Lincoln joked

"Yes I thought so." He laughs

"Hey O where is Umm... what's his name.. damn I know this." Wick stops trying to remember her name

"Aurorua?" Octavia asks laughing

"Yes her. Where is she?" Wick asks

"She's with one of Lincoln's friends. Needed a night off." She tells Wick

They all sit down around the table Bellamy made. They enjoy eating their berries and deer. When they first got down to earth they were terrified. Not knowing how to survive. Now, earth was their home. And they weren't just surviving, they were thriving. Living their best life.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I decided to leave it on a happy note. I really enjoyed this book, thank you all for the votes, comments and reads. Ilya💜

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