The hunt begins

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Me and Octavia go back to our tents, grab our bags and enough food to last a week. We go to Bellamys tent hoping his gun was there, it wasn't. We meet back at the gate after about 10 minutes.

"Are you ready?" I ask Octavia

"They have the 2 most important guys in my life. Your damn right I'm ready." She says motioning the guy to open the gate.

"Wait, don't open the gate!" I hear Murphy yell

"What the hell?!" I yell at Murphy as he walks closer to us

"I'm coming with you guys. There is no way I'd let you to go alone." I says grabbing a hold full of rations and shoving them in my pack

I can tell that me wanting to go meant a lot to them. They both smiled and agreed

"Okay, let's go. We can't waste anymore time." Clarke says.

I know they didn't tell anyone they were going,
I didn't either. I didn't know if that was a good or bad thing.

We set out into the woods. I hear the bang of the gate close, I look back at the camp and stop.

"Octavia?" Clarke asks putting a hand on my shoulder

"I'm okay." I state as I start walking

"Octavia. Your brother tells me you know these woods better then anyone." Murphy says.

"Correct, which is why she's the leader." Clarke jumps in and answer

We'd been walking for about 3 miles maybe more. It was beginning to get dark. We continue on for another hour, then it was dark. We used our flashlights to set up a tent. We only brought 1 tent, so we all slept in the same tent. None of us really got any sleep.

It was morning now. I woke up first. I wake up Clarke and Murphy by shaking them.

"Time to get on the move." I say leaving the tent. They follow behind me.

We pack up the tent and continue North.

It was the second day of me being taken. They had split me and Lincoln up. I was in a room, it felt more like a cage. It had bars going from the roof to the ground. I tried slipping between 2 of them but I found out I was chained to one of the bars.

I didn't hear anyone talk the whole time I had been here. It was silent. Which only freaked me out more. I didn't know who, or if anyone, was looking for me. But I was almost 89 percent positive that they aren't going to find me. Not if I stayed here.

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