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"Okay, what's your name?" I ask the girl

"I'm Raven, Finn's girlfriend." She replies.

"Okay, umm..." I look at the knife. "Okay this is pretty deep, it's resting comfortably again the nerve in your right leg." I tell Raven

"Okay, I don't give a damn if it was in my knee cap, get it the hell out!" She yells at me. She seemed a lot nicer earlier.

"Okay relax, umm I need some moonshine, a needle, something to sew this gash closed with and towels." I demand hoping that someone out of the 10 people in this ship will listen.

"Okay, I'll get the moonshine, Jasper will get the towels, and Miller, you and Bellamy go find something sharp and some string. And everyone who's name I didn't just say, get the hell out, clear some space!" I hear Monty yell. I've never really heard him step up and demand people, he always seemed so chill.

After a few moments later Bellamy, Miller, Jasper, Monty, Finn, Raven and I were the only ones still in the ship. They all stood back allowing me to work.

"Raven, before I do this I need to talk to these guys, Finn you stay here with Raven." I say walking over to the others.

"I'm gonna need something to stop the bleeding, the only way I know how to do that with the supplies we have is..."

"With a hot knife.." Miller interrupts

"I say, let Finn do it for the pain he caused you Clarke. Cause I know for certain you aren't gonna be able too." I say walking into the drop ship.

"Murphy. Look, I'm not kissed at you for doing what you did. You were being cautious." Clarke tells me "but to earn back my trust, your doing it." She smirks at me.

"Okay, deal" I stand there for about 20 minutes while Clarke does what she always does, saves people.

"Okay Raven, the easy part is over, now the hardest part and then your basically done. Okay?" She doesn't tell Raven what we're gonna do, maybe it's for the best?

"Murphy, your up." Clarke yells at me, "and don't make this take longer than it has to. Hold it on for 10 seconds then release. Okay?" I nod

"Okay, ready Raven? 5, 4, 3, 2" I put the knife on the gash.

"Fuck you Murphy. Owww get that off. I hate you all. Go to hell." Raven starts yelling in pain.

"Hey, hey it's okay, it's over now." Finn says trying to calm her down.

"Okay, the bleeding has stopped, umm I need some air, some one clean that up for me?" Clarke asks before going outside.

I Stan there not knowing if she wanted to be alone, then I just went out there anyway.

I grab her waist and turn her to face me, "hey princess. You'd doing a great job."

She lets out a half laughs half sigh "Oh Bellamy." She groans before letting her guard down and falling into my arms. She looks up at me and smiles, then passionately kisses me.

In this moment I noticed. We we're each other's weakness. We would do anything for each other. And we were at our most vulnerable, together. This honestly felt like true love, and I enjoyed this feeling of love.

"Hey Clarke, what the hell? Get in here and finish!" Finn yells from the drop ship.

"Hey, she's working extremely hard, and not just right now every single day. A lot harder than you. So how bout you give her a damn minute to breath!" I scream back at him. I don't know what happened, something inside me snapped.

"Hey, calm down. It's okay." Clarke says rubbing her arms down my shoulders and on my chest. "It's late, after I finish up Raven I'll meet you in your tent?" She smirks before kissing me and going back into the drop ship.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*The 100 season 5 comes out in 76 days and I literally can't fucking wait. I've been waiting so long.

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