The surprise back home

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I woke up first. I sit up and look at how peaceful and content they looked. Why couldn't life always be this simple.

"Stop staring. Its rude." I hear Murphy say sitting up

"Morning." I smile at him.

"Shh, tired. Sleeping." Octavia groans as she rolls and puts her arms around her ears

"Sleep good?" I ask

"Yea. Really good." Murphy smiles at me

"You are gonna make a terrible wife." Bellamy groans in his morning voice

I scoff at him "what makes you say that?"

"Your loud when I'm trying to sleep." Bellamy jokes

"That's okay Clarke, you can always be my wife." Murphy says reaching over to punch my arm

Bellamy reaches his arm up and pulls me back down into bed, so I'm laying on my back. I let out a little squeal.

"I'm awake." Octavia grunts as she sits up and puts her boots on

"Let's get going. Long day of walking." Murphy says

After we all got ready, ate breakfast, and packed up the tent we started day 2 of our trip back to camp.

We walked for about 4 hours when we finally arrived back at camp. We walked up to the gate but no one was on watch, so no one was there to open it.

We didn't want to bang on it and attract attention to us if something had gone bad. We all stood there not knowing what to do

"I know someone on the back we can sneak in. Follow me." Octavia says as she takes off

We reach the back of camp and pry off a piece of tin and crawl in through the hole.

When we entered the camp it was like a ghost town. There was nobody around and there hadn't been a fire in a while.

"It wasn't like this when I was taken." I say

"Or when we left." Octavia says

"What the hell happened?" Clarke asks a question none of us have an answer too

Clarke walks around looking at everything "it's just like they left. Didn't pack anything just left."

"It couldn't have been grounders, we were with them?" Bellamy says

"Wrong, but also right." Octavia mumbles

"What?" I ask

"It wasn't grounder. Not because we were with them. We weren't even with half of them. And second, it was the mountain men." Octavia tells us

Before any of us have time to respond we are all sidetracked by the loud noise coming from the drop ship.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Im sorry I haven't posted in forever. I've been super busy🤷‍♀️

For all it's faults.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin