First nigh in Polis

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"What now princess?"

"Now we go to Lexa and see what she wanted." She sighs

I wrap my arm around her and she leans her head against my shoulder.

"Let's go." I say

We walk inside the building and go up the elevator to a higher floor. We get out and 2 guards lead us to where Lexa is.

"Leave us." Lexa demands the guards

"Why are we here Lexa." I snap at her

"Bellamy.." Clarke says quietly

"I assume you'll be sharing a room while your here." Lexa says

"Yes." Clarke blankly states

"I will lead you to your bedroom. Follow me." She says standing up and walking away

She leads us down the hallway a few doors and into a bed room. It's a pretty big room. Has a real bathroom, no shower, a big bed, a balcony, and a few decorations around the room.

"You like it?" Lexa asked

"Better then we've had in a while. Thank you." Clarke says

"Okay, well my bed room is 2 doors down the right if you need anything." She walks out and closes the door.

Clarke falls onto the bed and sighs. I go lay down beside her. No one says anything for a minute.

She breaks the silence. "Most comfortable bed I've had in a log time."

"Yea." I laugh

"It's dark out already? What time is it?" She asks

"I don't know what time it is." I laugh

"I think I'm gonna sleep great tonight." She smiled

"How come?" I ask

"Comfy bed, not a tent, and well your here." She says

I laugh. I roll over and kiss her. "Then shall we get the best sleep we've had now?"

"You know it's gonna be more than just tonight? We can stay here for a few nights." She tells me

"Don't get to used to it here Clarke, we still have our people. Our camp." I tell her

"I'm not. But I could get used to this bed." She jokes

We both laugh. We get under the covers and she curls up beside me. We talk for a little bit until we both fall asleep.

It was dark. We found somewhere and set up camp for the night. We made a fire and set up our tents.

"How far from camp are we?" Harper asks

"Not to far. We should be there by mid day tomorrow." Murphy responds

"Is it safe here?" I ask Lincoln quiet enough so no one else can hear.

"Le a gave us her word that your people and hers were at a truce. She doesn't go against her word." He tells me

"She did about Clarke." I scoff

"We're fine. I promise." He kisses the top of my head "Alright, we should all get some sleep. Gotta get up early so we can get back sooner."

We all head off to bed. Me and Lincoln out out the fire and go into my tent. We take off our shows and jackets and crawl into our sleeping bags. We combined out sleeping bags and just made one big sleeping bag. I curl up in Lincoln's arms and try to sleep.
It's been at least an hour. Lincoln is sound asleep and I can't fall asleep. I sit up and grab a bottle of water from my pack. I take a drink and put it back. I sigh and lay back down.

"Can't sleep?" Lincoln says not opening his eyes

"I thought you were asleep?" I say

"I was. You used my stomach as a thing to push up on. Kinda woke me up." He laughs

"Calling me fat?" I laugh

"Strong." He smiles "I love you."

I laugh "I love you too. Now go back to sleep I didn't want to wake you."

I roll over and finally sleep consumed me.

I'm being woken up by Lincoln yelling and hitting at our tents "Wake up! Gotta get moving."

"Its not even daylight." I groan crawling out of my tent

"It will be in about 10 minutes. Pack up your tents and stuff and then it will be day light." Lincoln walks away

I groan and crawl back in my tent. I lay down on my sleeping bag. I lay there for a minute before a pine cone is thrown at me.

"Lazy ass. Pack up." Octavia demands

"Ughhh." I groan

"Yea yea. Complain while you pack." She says

I pack up my sleeping bag and shove everything into my pack. And I pack up my tent and, like Lincoln said, it's daylight. I take a drink of water and we start our journey back to camp.

I wake up and roll over. Bellamy was still asleep. I get out of bed and throw a rob that was at the end of the bed on, and go out on the balcony. This place, Polis, was actually a cool place. It was like a little society.

"Hey Princess." Bellamy wraps his arms around my torso and kisses the side of my neck

I laugh "Morning."

He turns me around and kisses me. I kiss back and wrap my arms around his neck. He pulls away

"What are you doing?"

"Just looking at this little society the grounders have going on here." I say turning back around

"Clarke... remember what I told you last night. Please don't get so attached." He pleads

"What's wrong if I do. Bellamy, I think I could actually see my self staying here."

"Clarke, we have our people. Your mom."

"I know." I quietly say

"Clarke, I want you to be happy I do, but this isn't our home."

"Where is our home?" I ask

"Home is where our friends are. Were our family is." He says

"Bellamy, my home is wherever you are." I smile

He pulls me in and kisses me again "we should go see what they have to eat. I'm starving."

We put our shoes on and head outside. We get some food, I don't know what it is but it tastes pretty good.

"Clarke, Bellamy." Lexa walks over "how did you sleep?"

I stand up to greet her, "amazing. Thank you."

She smiles "I assume you will be going back to your camp today."

"I think that was the plan. Right Bellamy?"

"Correct." Bellamy says

"I'll send 2 of my riders with you guys, so you get there within the day. And you will be staying there tonight?"

"Yes. I have to talk to my mom and tell her what's going on."

"Okay, when do you wish to leave?" Lexa asks

"Now." Bellamys states

She leads us to the gate and 2 men, each on a separate horse, meet us there. Me and Bellamy hop on a horse and leave Polis.

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