The pills

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I wake up before anyone else. I sit up and put my shirt on. I look over at Bellamy who is sleeping, he looks so peaceful. I kiss him on the forehead and whisper 'I love you' quiet so it doesn't wake him.

I stand up and get dressed. I get a glass of water from the dorms kitchen and grab an apple for breakfast. Doctor Enid said I had to start eating 3 meals each day, for my health and the baby's. I walked out of the kitchen and was met by Bellamy.

"Your awake." I said

He wrapped his arms around my waist "so are you. why?"

"I'm going back with Maya to the doctor. She's checking the baby's health." I told him

"I'm coming with then." He stated

"Well have to ask Maya. She said a lot of people could draw attention

"Okay, when's she get here?" He asked

After he said that we heard a knock in the door.

"There she is." I laughed

We walked over to the dorm door and opened it and Maya slipped Maya snuck in. She was wearing a jacket and had the hood up.

"What's going on?" I asked

"I was followed. We can still go but we have to be extra sneaky." She told us

"Can I come?" Bellamy asked

"No, if I have 2 of you they will know something is up." She told him "I am sorry, I know your the father."

He hugged me and kissed my head "I love you princess."

"I love you too." Maya grabbed my wrist

"We have to make it look like you don't want to be coming with me. Fight a little when we get out of the dorm. But not enough to draw attention to us." Maya said tightening her grip

I nodded as we walked out of the dorm. I squirmed a little and yelled a couple "let go of me" and "no stop" as we made our way to the medic center.

When we got there I hopped up on the table and laid back. Enid put cold jelly stuff on my stomach and then we were looking at my baby.

"Is it a boy or girl?" I ask

"It's to soon to tell. Your only about 5 weeks along. You still have 9 months.

I nod and get up to leave but am stopped by someone grabbing my arm.

"What will you do?" Enid asks me

I looked at her with my eyebrows scrunched. "What?"

"It's dangerous for a baby in that world. In here is the safest place for you and your baby." Enid began to tell me

"Enid!" Maya snapped at her

"No, Maya it's okay. Enid, in here is not safe for my baby or me. I was almost killed in here. Out there is safer, we've been surviving since we landed. And we've been doing a hella good job." I remember all the lives that we have lost,  but we had more alive then dead

"What about giving birth. How will you do that?" Enid asked

"I'll figure out a way. No, you what? Actually, me and this baby's father will figure something out. Just like we've been doing this whole time." I almost yelled, rage present in my voice "so thank you for informing me that I'm pregnant."

"Wait!" Enid yelled. She turned to a cabinet and grabbed a bottle of pills. "Take these. There pain killers. There's only a limited amount so only take them when you seriously need them. And save at least 5 for giving birth and after."

"Thank you, Enid. You've been a bigger help than you think." I said grabbing the pill bottle

"I hope one day I'll be able to meet the baby." She smiled

"It won't be in this mountain." I told her. I turned around and hid the pills in my bra, weird but it was The only place. Maya grabbed my wrist and walked me back to the dorm.

I walk into the dorm. Everyone is awake now. I walk over to the table and sit down on Bellamys knee. He asked how everything went. I told him everything and showed him the pills I was given.

"Are those pills?" Jasper asked causing everyone to look at me

"Yea, the doctor gave them to me." I responded

"Why?" Murphy asked

I looked at Bellamy and he shook his head. We wanted to tell them I was pregnant once we got out of here.

"My head. Due to the lack of bone marrow I'll get headaches and other side effects for a while. These pills will help with that." I quickly made up a lie

"Oh. Can I have one?" Miller asked

"No, I can't share them." I told him

"Damn, the Im not gonna waste my breath in asking the same question." Monty joked

We all laughed a little and Bellamy kissed my cheek. "I love you princess."

I smiled at him. I went to say it back but was interrupted.

"Okay! Everyone, that's the plan. Will it work?" Octavia asks looking up at Maya.

"It will. But you'll need theses to get through the reaper tunnels." She hands us 2 things. They are all grey with a button and a blue light all the way across the top.

"What are these?" I ask

"Tone generator. When you come across a reaper don't kill it. Press the button on one of the tone generators, they shoot them in the neck with one of these. It will knock them out for at least 1 hour." She says also handing us a bag of needles with a red liquid in a bottle attached to it

"What is this?" Jasper asks

"I don't exactly know what it is or how it works. I do know that we call it the Red. We get the reapers addicted to it and that's how they become a reaper. Look, I don't really know how it works but I do know it knocks them out for 1 hour. So after you shoot them with it, tie their hands and legs together then run." Maya lectures us

"Okay, let's do this." Octavia says standing up.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What a weird chapter in my opinion. Idk😂
Season 5 of the hundred comes out in 22 days. And I'm so pumped
Also, Riverdale is going to start filming a season 3 in July and we'll get to meet Jellybean in s3.
And stranger things starts filming a 3rd season this month, I think, too. So there's going to be a s3 and I'm crying💜😭I'm obsessed w/ST

Also, 18 days till season 5 of the originals comes out. I'm so excited for that too. But also heartbroken because it's the last season of it.
Lastly, there's only 2 episodes left in season 8 of the walking dead. And then I have to what feels like forever for a season 9.
Okay last thing I promise, supernatural is going to have a 14t season. And I'm freaking out cause I'm not caught up yet😭

Anyway, longest A/N ever. Haha enjoy me fan girling over just a few of my favorite shows.

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