Landing: part 2

886 16 5

Murphy: 20

Earth was everything I've ever dreamed about. Everything was so bright, and colorful and beautiful. For the first time in my entire life, I was free. Even though I knew eventually we'd need rules, I didn't worry about that. I wasn't worried about anything.

"Hey Princess." Finn says walking up to me. "The bush of flowers your standing in, are almost as beautiful as your are." He says picking on and putting it in my hair, I smile and blush.

"Aren't you glad to finally be free? No prison cell, no stupid ark rules, freedom and open space." I say smiling ear to ear.

"It feels amazing. Can do whatever we want to." He replies

I feel him grab my arm and turn me around so I'm facing him, eye to eye.

"I know we just met, but I think we could be a good team, and even better friends. What do you say?" He asks.

I've always just said what I was thinking, and this time I think I made the right choice.

"I say let's give it a try." She responds placing her hand on top of mine, still resting on her arm.

"Let's go for a walk, explore a little." I tell her as we walk into the woods.

I've been looking for Clark since we landed and I haven seen her. So many thoughts going through my head. What if she's forgotten me, moved on from me, it's been 2 years. Then suddenly I'm snapped out of it.

My worst nightmare has came true, she has forgotten me and moved on. I see her walk into the woods with same brown haired kid.

My heart breaks into tiny little pieces and I feel an anger wipe of me, I keep my cool and don't show any of it.

I never thought I would be out of that damn prison cell. I'd been locked up since I was 15, 5 years, and I still don't know why I was never floated.

I look around before I recognize someone, Bellamy, I remember him. I walk up to him.

"Hey, forget about me? It has been almost 6 years." I say as I nudge him in the back with my elbow.

"Murphy! Hey! Long time no see my man. How ya been?" He says turning around

"Being locked up for 5 years sucked ass, but now I'm here and I couldn't be better."

Me and Bellamy were like best friends when we were younger. We hung out every day till I got locked up for stealing medicine to help his mom give birth to Octavia. I was locked up before I could give it to her.

"Well I better go, got to enjoy this while I can. A place for is to survive is needed." Bellamy says before walking away.

"So why'd you get locked up princess?" I ask

"I don't wanna talk about it, I'd rather just enjoy being here." She says seeming suddenly sad.

"Enjoy being on earth or enjoy being with me?" I ask with a smirk on my face

"How come of can't be both?" She asks smiling ear to ear.

I stop and she stops beside me. I look around and realize we're alone. I put my hand up and rest it in her soft red cheek, putting my other one on her waist. She moves too, resting both her arms on my shoulders, her hands meeting behind my head. I lean in slowly, she starts to lean in to. I go a little faster until both our lips are connected.

We stand there kissing, I pick her up and she let's out a little giggle, I put her up against a tree kissing her starting at her lips and moving slowly down to her collarbones. She laughs then moans. I could tell she was happy.

Bellamy crossed my mind at first. But Finn was so great that I put Bellamy to the back of my mind.

Finn continued to kiss me up and down. It felt amazing. He puts me down and we hear something, like a door or something. We stop kissing.

We move the leaves and find a door. We open it and go down the stairs to explore. It's a room, with a couch, some expired canned food and a few other things.

He smirks at me before picking me back up and slamming me on the couch. I rip off his jacket and his vest as he takes of mine. We stop and look at each, we continue to we're on nothing but our underwear and my bra. It was cold but his body kept me warm.

He continued kissing me. I let out a few moans her and there. Afterwards we both lay there, me wrapped up in his arms, I felt safe. I look at him and say goodnight before we both drifted off to sleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Did Clarke forget about Bellamy. And what will happen between her and Finn?

I can't wait for the next chapter, im excited.

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