Happy reunion

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"I'm only staying here long enough to find out if I'm still pregnant." I tell Lexa

"I understand Clarke, but I hope you change your...." she starts but I cut her off

"I'm not changing my damn mind."

When we get to the gates of Polis we stop. "No skaikru beyond these walls Heda."

She yells something in a language I don't understand, and the gate begins to slowly open. We walk through the village to the main building. We get in a elevator, that 2 man pull up and down, and go to Lexa's room.

"Bring me to the doctors." I demand

"This way." She motions me

We walk down along hallway and the right into a big room. It has 2 tables, a bunch of cabinets with medical supplies and a bunch of other stuff.

"Sit in that table there. I'll go get the doctor." Lexa says turning to walk out

"Hey Lexa."

She turns to look at me. "Yes?"

"Thank you."

She nods and walk out of the room.

I was hoping my baby was okay, but a little part of me wished it wasn't. I knew this world wasn't safe, especially not for a baby. I didn't know what I wanted.

It had been 2 days since Clarke ran away from me. Lincoln was bringing us to Polis, he had a feeling if she was captured by grounders they would bring her there.

"Okay, it's right ahead. Your gonna need to hand over your weapons." Lincoln tells us

"No I'm keeping my gun." I stated

"Bell. Do you want to find Clarke or do you want to keep your gun?" Octavia asked me

I handed him my gun and everyone else handed over their weapons. "Alright follow me." Lincoln said

When we arrived there was gates, and 2 people on each side, guarding the place. Lincoln and one of the guards exchanged a few words and they opened the gates. We all followed behind Lincoln until we got to the tall building. I was focused on finding Clarke that I didn't pay attention to the things around me. I stared forward, focusing on Clarke.

"Lincoln, what is this?" Lexa asked me walking towards me

"Heda." I bowed "this is Bellamy, Octavia, Harper, Jasper, Monty, Miller, and Murphy."

"I know. Their skaikru. I assume your all looking for Clarke." She states

"If you have her give her back!" Bellamy snaps at Lexa

"She chose to came here." She smirks

"Can we see her?" I ask

"Follow me, she's busy right now." She starts walking inside "you guys will have to wait for her to be done."

No one questions Lexa, we all follow her to a room, it has just a bed and it's not that big.

"Wait here." She says leaving the room.

Once Lexa is gone we all sit down, sow on the bed and others on the ground.

"Will she just give her back?" Jasper asks

"I hope so." I tell him

"She better. Or she'll be sorry." Bellamy states

"Bellamy! You need to tone it down. If she feel threatened she will kill you. I know you worried about Clarke, but relax." I lecture Bellamy

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