1 week

810 15 8

It had been 7 days since we landed. Octavia kept sneaking off into the woods. I asked her why and she told me she didn't need my protection and that she was a big girl, that she could take care of herself. I trusted my sister, so I never worried about it.

Clarke was still hanging around that Finn kid. His nickname around camp was Spacewalker, I didn't know why and I didn't care either. She still didn't know I was here, and that hurt.

"Hey Bellamy." I hear someone say, snapping me out of my own thoughts. I run over to see what it is. I turn around to see this kid, Monty.

"Your Monty right?" I ask noticing the big jug filled with liquid of some sort.

"Yea. I have a batch of my famous moonshine, we're should I put it?"

"Umm, in the drop ship is fine." He nods walking into the ship

The camp we built was big. We used trees, branches and a few things from the drop ship. We were sent down with 50 tents, all set up around camp. Most people slept in those, but others slept in the drop ship.

"Hey you." Someone says grabbing my waist.

"Hey Jasper!" I say joking around knowing it was Finn.

"Very funny. Hey I'm going on a hunting trip in a few hours. I thought I'd let you know." He tells me as if seeking my approval.

"Go. Have fun. Make friends. But be safe, I love you." I say as I give him a peck on the lips. He walks away.

"Alright, everyone going on this hunting excursion gather round." I tell so everyone can hear me.

"Hey, Clarke should come." Jasper mentions

"Good idea, she would help us reach the mountain." Finn agrees.

"Okay, go get her. And hurry we're wasting day light." I say a little annoyed

"I'm here. Why am I coming.?" Clarke asks.

"Your boy toy can fill ya in. Let's move!" I command as we walk out the gate.

A few hours later.
We found a weird looking bone in the woods. We bring it back thinking Octavia would maybe know.

"I had fun. Thanks for inviting me along." Clarke says grabbing my hand.

"Go thank Jasper it was all him." I say nudging her towards him. She smiles and goes to him.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ohh, this was kinda a filler chapter. I know they are all slow and some what boring, but I'm hopefully soon gonna make it less boring. Have to find a good idea on how to do that.

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