3 years

888 13 3

Bellamy: 22
Clarke: 18
Finn: 18
Octavia: 17

It has been 2 years since I got locked up. Two years, 730 days, since I've seen, talked or even touched Bellamy. My heart aches every time I thought about him, or about the fact that I most likely will never see him again. Since I was 18, I was waiting the day guards came into my cell to take me to the floating chamber, I knew I was gonna be floated just didn't know when.

"Get on your feet, now!" A guard yells storming into my cell with a shock baton in hand and another guard behind him.

"Today is the day I get floated." I whisper under my breath as the guards are yanking on my arm and pulling me out of my cell.

I get out of my cell to realize that every single prisoner was being taken out of their cell, some fighting it, others going along with it.

I knew then that I wasn't getting floated, that something else was happening. But I had no clue what, which made me even more scared.

"Clarke!" I hear someone yell from behind me.

Deep down I hope it's Bellamy, but unfortunately its not, it's my mom.

"Mom! Mom what's happening?" I ask shakily and tears start forming in my eyes.

"All the prisoners are being sent to the ground." She tells me holding one hand on my shoulder.

"What? No this can't be happening. It's not suppose to be safe for another hundred years I say." Tears poring down my face.

My mom hugs me, "it's gonna be okay, take care of yourself first honey. I love you so much, don't you ever forget that. May we meet again." She tells me before sticking me in the neck with something and everything goes black.

I was being taken out of my cell. I didn't think it was a good idea to fight, and I didn't want to. I was just glad to be out. We start heading to a section of the ship where I know there is a drop ship.

"Wait are we going to the drop ship?" I ask

"Can you hear me. Are you dead or just dumb?" I ask the guard who is leading me. He just looks at me.

As we approach the ship, I see people loading onto the ship. Without knowing a smirk approaches on my face, the only thought goof through my mind was, where the hell is Monty.

As I'm sitting here, strapped into a seat in a drop ship I can't help but me a little excited. I was worried about Jasper when all the sudden I see him get into the ship.

"Jasper, over here!"I yell at him as he hurried over to me.

"I was worried that I was worried I was never going to see you." He tells me as he buckles into his seat.

I laugh and give him a hug, "we're going to the ground."

I feel like Octavia right about now. I'm hiding under the floor boards of a drop ship that is going to the ground. I'm not a prisoner, I'm going for Clarke and my sister.

"Alright there all ready for take off." I bear a guard say before the door to the shop closes.

This is it. A lot of thought running through my head. I'm finally going to see Clarke and Octavia. But above all I couldn't stop thinking about how, I was going to the ground.

All I could think about was my brother. How I was going to the ground to die, and I was never going to see him again. My heart broke into a thousand pieces and a tear streaked down my face at just the thought of that.

"I'm not afraid." I whisper under my breath, even thought it was a lie. I was terrified, and I didn't even know what about.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~this chapter didn't have a lot of conversation but this was just a chapter of what everyone was thinking.
Also, it's been so long since I've updated the story. Sorry for that. I haven't had the motivation too.

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