Ontari the Hero

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"You must be Bellamy." A voice says. I didn't recognize the voice, which scared me even more

"Who's there?" I ask with a shaking voice

They turn on some light so I can see. I saw a small, but tall girl, with straight, dark brown hair just passed her shoulders. She has what looked like scars on her face. She had some type of fur around her shoulders, and on one should a piece of red velvet fabric.

"Who are you?" I asked, my voice giving away the fact that I was scared

"I'm about to be your hero. But you can just call me Ontari." She says as she unlocks my cell

She unchained me from the cell, but kept my hands chained together. She walked me out of the cell and up some stairs into a tent. I never knew I was underground.

"Where are you taking me?" I ask but get no response

After a few minutes we arrive in this bedroom. She unchained my hands, but put this collar like thing around my neck, that had maybe 10 inches of extra chain.

"I'm Ontari. I'd tell you more but I don't trust you."

"So why take me here?" I asked confused

"I was supposed to be ice nation queen, but Roan took that away from me when he became leader of ice nation." She states taking off her armor

"Okay, but why am I here." I ask more seriously

"You didn't do anything. You were just collateral damage in the skaikru and Trikru war. I intend to get you back to your people, safe. You have my word." She says looking directly at me

"Thank you." I say, not wanting to ask why and ruin everything "I actually have a question for you."

"Yes, what is it?" She says turning around to face me

"Lincoln. What happened to him?" I ask

"He's alive. For now. He's been sentenced to death for betraying his own people. It's happening tonight

My heart sinks as I try holding back my tears. My thoughts instantly went to Octavia. How will she handle that.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I wanted to give this kinda unexpected twist, let me know what you think. Also, I know I only did Bellamys pov, but I wanted to focus on him and Ontari.😊

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