3 weeks

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It's been 3 weeks since Clarke has talked to that boy and his sister. Knowing her it's driving her crazy not know what was wrong and not knowing how to help. I feel kinda bad, she's been beating her self up about it. She just doesn't know what to do. I've tried talking to her but she doesn't want to talk to anyone besides that boy, not even to her mom.

"Jake. Do you think that Clarke is growing up to fast?" I ask concerned about her.

"Up here honey, you have to grow up fast. And no it's not fair, but it's life there's nothing we can do." He tells me calmly as he continues eating his dinner.

"I know and your right. But she's just 6, and she's sitting outside our neighbors room trying to help a complete stranger and..." Jake puts his hands on my shoulders causing me to stop.

I stand up and turn around to face him. Looking him in the eyes he moves his hands down to my waist and leans in and kisses me.

"Babe. I know what your feeling right now, okay? But there is nothing we can do about it. We have the best life anyone could ask for living up here. She's 6, and as long as she's safe, I say if this is what she wants to spend her time doing. Then we should let her." He says never loosing eye contact.

I lean in and kiss him not even responding. He picks me up as I giggle and smile at him. He leans us up against the wall and he kisses me. Starting at my lips and slowly moving down my neck. He throws me on the bed now and stares at me for a minute before jumping onto me. We continue kissing as he slowly takes off my shirt, I take off his shirt and start to undo his belt, but the door opens. It's Clarke.

"Hey baby girl. Has he came out to talk to you yet?" I say putting my shirt on.

"No but mom I'm worried about him. I mean I haven't even seen him leave his room. Or his sister."

"Hey hun. Quit worrying. Let's go to Jaha and get some of that chocolate pudding you like so much. Okay?" Jake says calming Clarke down.

Clarke nods as they head out the door. Before he leaves he runs back and gives me a kiss, "we will continue this later" he whispered in my eye and gave me his famous half smirk. God I loved him.

"Come on Oh. It's been 3 weeks, we need to leave the room and go get an actual meal."

I'm really worried about Octavia. She was so close to mom. And ever since mom passed away, and being told about being locked up at 13, she hadn't said more than 5 word to me. It was as if she blamed me for moms death.

"I am just as hurt as you are. But it's just the 2 of us now so we need to stick together." I tell her hoping she'll respond.

She comes out of her hole in the ground and runs over and sits next to me on the couch. She stares at me for a good 5 minutes before either of us say something.

"Stand up." She demands.

"Umm why?"

I get up and she hugs me. Then pushes me out the door. "Go talk to Clarke. She's worried and I've heard her outside the door the past 3 weeks."

I give her a hard glare, then a tiny smile as a close the door. What was I suppose to say to her. I didn't even know her or anything about her besides her name, Clarke. That is a really pretty name I think to myself before knocking on the door. No answer. I knock again. No answer again. So I go home.

We heard a know on the door but didn't care. We had gotten Jaha to watch Clarke so me and Abby could have a date night. We haven't had one in 7 years and I was determined to make tonight special.

"Jake, we pawned our kid off to Jaha so we could have sex all night." Abby says to me chucking in between kisses

"Shhh. Shut up and enjoy tonight. Tonight babe, we don't have a daughter. It's just you, me, this bed and this jar of moonshine." I tell her before I continue to kiss her again.

I rip of her shirt and her pants as she does the same to me. It had been so long since we did this last and to be honest, I was so fucking excited.

Fuck! I love Jake. I felt a little guilt for pawing Clarke off but I knew we deserved this so I put it to the very back of my brain.

"Ohh Jake. I love you." I say as he continues to kiss my neck.

"I've missed this. We should do this more often." He says before rolling me over.

Both us now naked he throws me on my back, looks me in the eyes, and starts kissing every square inch of my body. And damn it felt amazing

Okay, I am sorry about the Long chapter. And I realize this was a very sexual chapter, I apologize a little for that. But I am super excited about my next chapter. I have a great idea for it. Anyway, leave me a review. Let me know if you liked this, didn't like it idk. Thanks for reading.

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