Becoming friends

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Last night I stayed at Bellamys, nothing happened. My mom was no where to be found and I didn't feel like being alone. He let me sleep in his bed and he slept on the couch. I was really thankful for Bellamy. I don't think I could have gotten through the past few weeks without him.

It's about 7:30 in the morning. I get out of bed and try leaving without waking him.

"Where you going?" He asks tiredly as he wakes up.

"I thought I would leave early so no one would question anything."

"You'd leave and not say good bye. Ouch, I'm hurt." He says teasing me as he stands up and put his shirt on.

He walks over to me and gives me a big hug. I thank him for letting me stay.

"Your welcome here anytime. I know what your going through. You helped me when My sister was locked up. Now I wanna be there for you." He tells me while still hugging me.

I pull out of the hug with a huge dorky smile on my face. "Thank you Bellamy. That means a lot." I say before I give him a kiss.

"Well you should get going before everyone else wakes up." He says as we head to the door.

I leave and I'm really dreading going home. I wished so much that I could stay with Bellamy forever.

She makes me happy, I feel bad for what she's going through. I wish I could do more to help her and be there for her. But the ark would float me if they found out about us cause I'm technically an adult and her still being a minor.

It being so early I decided to go to my bed and go back to sleep cause I was still pretty tired. I close my eyes and I can't help but think about Clarke. Then suddenly my mind goes to Octavia.

"I wonder how she's doing." I accidentally say out loud.

I miss my big brother. I haven't gone this long without him ever. I'm all alone except at the times we are brought to the dinning hall to eat. I met a friend there. He's the same age as me, his name is Jasper. And he has a best friend, or brother, Monty. They came up and talked to me at lunch one day and we talk everyday at lunch now. It's nice to be able to talk to someone.

I've been in lockup for almost a year, with my best friend Monty. Me and Monty are the same age, 14. At lunch one day I spotted Octavia, and she was gorgeous and I knew I had to get to know her. Plus, it was someone besides Monty to talk to.

~Back to when they first talked.~
"Hey I'm Jasper. Who are you?"

"I'm Octavia." She says quietly

"Well your really pretty and we should be friends." I blurt out without thinking.

She blushes and smile before replying, "Okay. What were you locked up for?"

"Me and my uh friend over there got caught stealing and caught with weed on us." I say looking back at Monty.

With a smirk on her face to responds to me with "Your so young, and so rebellious. I like it."

"What did you get locked up for?"

"Being born." Her facial expression turns from a grin to a frown as I see tears in her eyes start to form.

A guard interrupts and yells for everyone to go back to there rooms.

I look behind me to see if she was still there and she was halfway across the room.

~End of flashback~

Oof! I feel this chapter was really bad. It doesn't have a lot of conversation between the characters, like the last chapter. Idk why. Leave me any ideas or tips. Thanks.

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