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It was halfway through day 5, we finally arrived at this camp. It has a bunch of tents scattered all around this ground and one really tall circular building.

"How in the hell do we get in? And how do we know Bellamy and Lincoln are here?" Murphy asks

"I don't know, well find a way. Patience." Octavia says

I feel a hand on my shoulder, I turn to see who it is. To my surprise it was Lexa

"Clarke?" Lexa ask sounding surprised to see me.

I don't say anything. I'm frozen, with fear and shock.

"You shouldn't be here." She says wrapping her hand around the handle of her blade

"You took my brother and Lincoln and you seriously expected us to stay at our camp? Are you delusional?" Octavia says with anger in her voice.

"Actually, your right. I knew you wouldn't stay at your camp. I also knew you'd find this place soon enough. Which is why Lincoln is still alive." Lexa says motioning for us to follow her

"What do you mean still alive? Are you going to hurt him? And what about my brother?" I say trying to hide the fear in my voice

"I couldn't think of a way to punish all skaikru without killing all of you, and I didn't want to do that. So I watched your camp for a couple days, and I saw a few things." Lexa says as she stops walking and turns to face us

"Like what?" Murphy demands

"I say that Bellamy and Clarke are the 2 main leaders, and also have a thing going on between them. I also say that Lincoln ways very liked around your camp."

"Okay but why does anyone have to die for those reasons. They don't even make good enough sense to kill someone?" Murphy interrupts

"When I say Lincoln becoming close in yoke cork England of friends, I saw a perfect opportunity to strike my attack on skaikru. Lincoln was teaching you how to build a fire and basically harping you all survive. So if I killed Lincoln, it may not kill any of you, or even injure anyone, but it would sure leave all of you guys with out his help. And without his help, you guys are not going to make it through the winter. Now follow me you can sway goodbye."

No one said anything for what felt like forever. We walked inside the gate of this camp place, and when the gate closed hundreds of grinders came out with spears held high. They were all yelling in a language that I didn't know

"Hod op." Lexa yells with her hand raised "they are with me, if anyone tries to harm or kill them you will answer to me."

"Skaikru not welcome here in Polis!" I hear a grounder yell. They don't sound like they talked much, if any English. But they all understand Lexa.

"They are here to say goodbye and watch Lincolns 100 cuts, and get the other prisoner. They they will be on their way." Lexa yelled as she lowered her hand

All the ground nodded and went back to what they were doing "this way." Lexa said, snapping me out of my thought.

Wow this place was incredible, is never seen anything like it.

Will they find away to save Lincoln or will he be killed.
2nd chapter today, yee!

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