Story of the Blakes

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Bellamy: 10
Octavia: 5

I wake up one morning to my mom shaking my as hard and fast as she possibly can.

"Son, I need you to wake up!" I hear her say as I roll over to face her.

"Mom? What do you want? I'm sleeping."

"There is a possibility that the counsel knows about your sister. We need to talk about what will happen if they do."

This is bad, this is very bad. On the Ark there isn't enough air for parents to have more than 1 child. My mom, on the other hand, had me and My little sister, Octavia, and she has been hiding under the floor boards for her whole life.

"Mom?! What happens if they find out?" I ask almost in tears.

"They float me and lock your sister up."

"What happens to me?" I ask in tears at the thought of loosing my mom

All the sudden there is a loud knock on the door and 3 officers barged into our room.

"Ma'am your under arrest for having a second child. Put your hands behind your back and follow me please." An officer says as him and another guy take my mom.

"Hey! Wait no stop! Don't take her! Leave her alone!" I scream as they take her around the corner and out of my sight.

"Your sister stays with you until the age of 13, then on her 13th birthday she becomes a prisoner of the ark. But for now she is just a normal citizen." The last guard tells me before walking out of my room.

I quickly rush over to the floor board that Octavia is hiding under and lift it up and take Octavia out. She's sleeping so I let her sleep.

I didn't know what to say. I was speechless, sitting on our couch bawling my eyes out. This was actually the worst possible thing.

"So.. I am the reason mom is getting floated Bell?"

"Oh! Don't even think or say things like that. You know that isn't true!" Bellamy snaps at me

I wanted to argue. Tell him that it was in fact true. Tell him that mom is getting floated for having me. But I didn't. I say there staring at the wall crying. I didn't know how me and my big brother were gonna do this on our own.

For all it's faults.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat