The truth

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After my argument with Clarke I was hurt. I had stormed out of the camp. I had been walking for about 10 minutes, I see something in the distance. Concerned I run up to it.

Is it, a drop ship? It couldn't be. I get closer to it and it is. I look inside only to see the 1 thing that could cheer my up. Raven.

Raven was my best friend on the ark. We slept together a couple times. But for the most part she was always dating Wick.

I'm being waken up by a man shaking me. My visions a little blurry, and my head hurts because of the crash.

"Raven? I can't believe it's you." I hear someone say

"Who are you?" I ask not having the energy to turn and look

"It's me, Finn?" I hear that and I sit up instantly, getting super light headed.

"Oh my god. Hi!" I say, super flab to see him.  "So I assume all 100 of you have a camp or something. Right?" I ask

He nods in response. "Yeah, it's about a mile that way."

"How bout we go there? Yea?" I ask we get up and head to camp

I was really worried about Bellamy. He hasn't eaten anything or talked to anyone since he's got back.

"Bellamy, it's been 5 hours. You gonna come out anytime soon?" I ask popping my head in his tent.

He shakes his head and motions for me to leave.

"Clarke! Bellamy! Come here, quick!" I hear Someone yell.

"What is it Miller?" I ask, noticing that Bellamy was still in his tent.

"It's Finn. He's back, and he has someone. No ones ever seen this girl before Clarke." He tells me

"Okay." I sigh "everyone, you all have a knife keep it ready, we don't know who this is." I tell everyone before telling them to open the gate.

"Finn. Who the hell is this chick. And what happened to her." I hear miller ask.

"Guys listen to me I..." Finn try's to explain but gets interrupted.

"She could be dangerous, we can't trust her!" I hear Murphy scream and see him throw a knife at her hitting her in the leg, I see her fall down.

"What the fuck is wrong with you Murphy?!" I scream at him. "Just, go! Your not needed or wanted bear anymore." I demand. He walks away

"Get her inside the ship. We need to get the knife out of her." I hear Clarke yelling.

"Clarke? What is.. who is this?" I ask spotting a girl with a knife in her leg.

"I don't know. Help Finn get her to the drop ship Bellamy." She asks me.

"Bellamy Blake?" The girl asks pushing me away. "Your basically being hunted down on the ark. Your wanted, dead or alive."

"Bellamy.. why.. why are they searching for you?" I hear Clarke ask sounding very concerned.

I'd never told anyone what I did to get on the ship. I guess now was time.

"I shot Jaha. But Clarke, listen it was so I could get on the drop ship. To come down and protect Octavia." I pause for a moment. "To protect you Clarke." I say, my voice breaking a little.

Clarke looks at me, then looks at Raven. "Did Bellamy kill him?" She ask.

I look at her, "Clarke.. what are you...?" I ask she puts her hand up telling me to shut up.

"Okay, we need to get her to medical! Now!" I hear her yell.

Noticing how mad she is, I let her go and don't try to talk to her.

"Clarke, he didn't kill Jaha, your mom saved him. But Jaha said, if he comes down here, he's making it his life's mission to Kill Bellamy, and he will make Bellamy suffer Clarke." I hear her say weakly to Clarke. "If you care about Bellamy, get him as far away from here as soon as you can. Before the rest of the ark comes down." I hear them say before entering the drop ship.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if you guys were confused, no one knows Ravens name yet, besides Finn.

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