Lost Silver!!!:):):)

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Okay, so nightmarereader800 has requested that Lost Silver be put in the story, so it will be done, in this chapter. Also, the past chapter is dedicated to nightmarereader800 as well because it was requested. They will be short, but don't complain, please. I am working on this through the night, and I am very tired, but I love you all, my human beans:)

When he meets you

You're just walking along the street in the.middle of the night, right? No harm in that.


Or at least, you think you did.

Because, in thst moment where the street lamp flickered, something moved in your peripheral vision. A person. You frantically looked around, and you were about to run, when a guy pulls you into an alleyway, covering your mouth with his somewhat-bloody hand.

"Shh, shh... I-I'm s-saving you r-right now. Be q-q-quiet, p-please." You silence your sounds and movements, and the shadowy figure you saw passes by without notice. The random stranger lets go of you, and you turn around and face him.

"Th-thank you... I-I'm Y/N." you hold out your hand, and just as the guy touches your hand with his, his WHOLE arms disappear!!! you bite the inside of your cheek to keep from screaming.

"C-calm down, p-please!!! I-I don't m-mean t-to f-f-frighten y-you!!! I'm k-kind of... an imm-immortal... M-my name is S-Silver... L-Lost S-Silver." you nod, and he tells you to go home as quickly as possible... which you follow his directions diligently, until you are in a safe, completely locked house, under your blankets in the dark. But you can't help but wonder about Silver, and how attractive he is... Maybe you'll see him again in the future? Nah. He's too foreign. you'll never see that one again.

Shut Up, Conscience!!!! I will figure out a way to see him.

When he doesn't take no for an answer

Well, sinse you seem to be extremely incompetantly stupid, you were walking out on the street in the middle of the night- AGAIN. You had reasoning behind this, though.

Much to my objection...

Shut up. I seem to tell you that a lot.

Whatever... if you get us killed, I'll make sure god lets me into heaven, and you burn and die in hell.

Thank you, conscience. Now shut up.

Okay... fine.

Suddenly, you see the flicker of the street lamp again, and the blur of the shadowy figure in your peripheral vision. You freeze in fear, but you are pulled into the same familiar alleyway as last time.

"I-I-is th-this g-going to b-become a r-r-regular th-thing?" The same familiar voice asks you.

"S-silver?" you ask, just to make sure.

"Y-yeah." you sigh in relief, and the shadow passes again, and Silver lets you go.

"I-I don't really know if this is going to become a regular thing... To tell the truth, I just kind of... wanted to see you again." you admit, and silver's grey complexion turns a deep pink. You smile a little at that.

"It can become a regular thing..." Silver suddenly goes serious, not a hitch in his voice.

"Wh-what?" Now it's your turn to stutter.

"Let's make it a regular thing." His eyes go dark with... LUST?!

"Wh-what if I c-c-can't...???"

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