First Date!!!

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Three days later...

You decided to get up off of your lazy ass and get ready for meeting Jeff. It took you a few hours or so, seeing as you couldn't find anything comfortable (yet cute) to wear. Finally you settled on a cute créme colored sweater and black skinny jeans. You applied makeup accordingly (A/N: unless you don't wear makeup) and head out the door.


You arrive, and wait, as instructed by your conscience not to go any further into there. ---You listened--- for once.

"Hey Babe." you hear Jeff's raspy voice from behind you. You turn and face him, a smile spreading across your face.



So, he takes you on a romantic moonlit walk through an open forest path, and you two talk about all kinds of things- like knives, killing, and your past year of school. Then, somehow, you move on to the touchy subject of the suicide of your friend..."you never mention his name though, seeing as you don't want to cry in front of him. He actually seems to have sympathy...

"I'm so sorry, babe... If you don't mind me asking... how... how did he, well, you know, leave?" You stop walking, and start shaking from holding in the tears.

"O-oh... I am so sorry, babe..." with the sympathy thick in his voice, he hugs you, and in that moment, you just let it go.

Let it go!!! let it go!!! Can't hold it back anymore!!!

Shut up conscience!!! You know you can't sing worth a crap!!!

Oh fine... you suck.

You can deal.


After he comforts you, you turn and head back to your house, moving on from the sensitive subject. The rest of the date turns out perfect, and you realize that underneath all of that ego and arrogance, that there's Actually a person!

"So, here you are, babe. Go to sleep, and wake up in the morning for me, will ya?" he says, kissing your forehead and making you blush.

"But of course, anything for you, babe." you have a burst of confidence.

Where the HELL did THAT come from?!?!

I don't know, don't ask me.

He looks up to you, seeing as you are on the third step and he is on the ground, and he slaps his right hand over his right eye, and you giggle at the silly gesture.


"Y-You just... O-Oh I-it's n-nothing..." you try containing your laughter.

"You know, when you laugh, you are so adorable! Maybe I can take you out again sometime?" You beam with happiness, and happily say yes, and kiss his cheek before bidding farewell and leaving a blushing, genuinely smiling Jeff on your front porch.

BEN Drowned

7:00 pm...

you were F-R-E-A-K-I-N-G FREAKING out!!! BEN would show up at any minute!!! You hurried to finish up getting ready. You placed the bow-headband on your head, and fix your hair promptly. Just as you finish getting ready, you realize that BEN only comes out of your television screen.

Well duh! How did you not realize this?!?!

I don't know, Conscience!!!

You have failed to also realize that your television is in your room...

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