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Lady Gaga- Bad Romance 


I couldn't sleep at all after what just happened. The feeling of her body on mine, the hum of her lips pressed against my chest as she called out my name, her desperate pleas. I didn't think it would be like this. I didn't think it would feel so mind-blowingly amazing. 

Her body is curled against mine in her sleep and I couldn't believe it had finally happened. My head is swimming with everything that happened in the last three days. I married her. Ilyasviel is my wife and I have no memory of it. Yeah, I had completely panicked when she placed those papers in front of me but that was nothing compared to the panic I felt when I thought about terminating the documents. 

Once she said those three words, I was done. There was no way I was going to do it. Telling Bruce was a lot easier than thinking about getting a divorce. I honestly didn't care what he did to me so as long as he didn't take this from us. 

Once she rolled onto her side I got up and showered before walking out to order breakfast. Dick was laying on the couch asleep with his arm covering his face. I jumped over the couch my ass landing on his stomach. He shot up pushing me off when I knocked the wind out of him. 

"Jason, what the fuck?" he shouted. 

"Why are you asleep on the couch?" I asked laughing. 

"You fucking ass hole. Because I got in late," 

"Felicity?" I asked. 

"I'm not suicidal. Unlike you, I value my life. I went out for drinks with McKenna. One thing led to another," 

"Damn, Ilya said something about arrows that explode. That would have been funny," he shoved me playfully sitting up. 

"What is this look on your face?" he asked. I grabbed the hotel's tablet and began to set a breakfast order. Once I got something for me and Ilya I handed it over to Dick so he can get himself something. 

"I don't know what you're talking about," I said turning the T.V. on. 

"The Knights are playing today," he said putting the small tablet on the table while I put the sports channel on. "You have this really serene look in your eyes. It's a combination of sleep deprivation and success," 

"Both probably," I laughed. 

"Football," Ilya called out excitedly coming out of the room. Her hair still wet from a shower. 

"The Knights are playing," Dick said when she climbed over the couch to sit between us, 

"I know they're going to get whooped by the Rockets," Dick and I looked at each other with disbelief. 

"No, wife of mine is a Rockets fan," I said shaking my head. 

"Yeah, we are not friends right now, Ils," Dick added. 

"I grew up in Star City. The day Bruce took me to his giant mansion was the first time I had ever stepped foot in Gotham. Besides, the Knights suck ever since Conner Jackson was traded to Bludhaven," 

"I told you," Dick said looking at me. "Even she knows that was a bad idea," 

"Conner Jackson wasn't even a team player," 

"Conner Jackson was like the King Arthur of the Gotham City Knights," Ilya shook her head looking at me disapprovingly. 

"Thank you," Dick shouted standing up. 

"Football is a team sport. It's the Gotham City Knights, not Conner Jackson and his bitches," I said she shook her head. 

"No, a team is only as good as the leader. People all have a specific skill and it's hardly ever thinking for themselves. If Bruce would have just let you run around doing whatever you wanted without order you'd be dead," 

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