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Bring Me The Horizon- Snakes Start To Sing


"What were you thinking going out there like this?" Bruce scolded as Alfred stitched up my arm. I glanced at him but he only looked over at me just as disapprovingly as Bruce.

"I just wanted to test my mask," I lied trying not to get Jason in deeper shit than he already was. "But then I saw Jason and Roy and I got a little carried away,"

"You got a little carried away? This isn't a game, Ilyasveil,"

"I know that,"

"Then act like you've got some got damn sense. What if Jason wouldn't have found you out there? Would you have done what you did alone?"

"Probably," I said truthfully. He sighed pinching the bridge of his nose.

"I want you to stay away from Jason for a little while. We're getting you back in school and you're going to settle before you start thinking about going out there again. Do you understand me?"


"Do you understand me?" he said a little louder.

"Yes, I understand but you can't just tell me to stay away from Jason. He and Roy are the only friends I have here,"

"You'll make new ones at GCU. I mean it, Ilyasveil. No Roy. No Jason,"

"Master Bruce," Alfred tried.

"No, that's it. There are no buts or what ifs. Stay away from them Ilya," he said before storming off. I sighed pulling my jacket on once Alfred finished wrapping my arm.

"He's just trying to look out for you," he said taking my mask off my lap. "This is very well built. Is this your first?"

"Yeah," I nodded. He smiled handing it back to me impressed. "It's a prototype. I actually wanted to make a helmet for Jason as a thank you gift. He's been helping me cope with all this. I think he deserves a better one,"

"Yes, he doesn't like us touching his belongings. Very proud that one,"

"Just like Bruce," I said smacking my hand on my lap.

"Yes, out of all his sons, Master Jason is the one who is most like Master Bruce,"

"He yelled at him tonight. It was bad, Alfred. I feel terrible. Bruce was so upset with him more than with me. He told him to stay away,"

"Master Bruce and Master Jason have a difficult relationship but they come around. I'll let you know when he comes in, yes?"

"He's not coming back, Alfred. He's not coming back and it's all my fault," he gave me a sympathetic glance before pulling me into him.

"Perhaps you can work on his new helmet and when you're ready I can take you to him. Our little secret," he winked.

"You'd do that?" I asked.

"Yes, I'll deal with Master Bruce when the time comes,"

"Thanks, Alfred. You're the best," I laughed feeling better.

"Run along now. Get some rest. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow,"

"You're taking me to Star City?"

"Yes, Master Bruce and Master Damian will be joining us,"


"Would you like a late dinner? Perhaps a light snack?"

"Sure, a snack sounds good," I nodded. "I'll go put this away,"

"You've been here for a bit and I still do not know your preferences,"

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