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Khalid- Shot Down


I woke up in my bed at Wayne Manor. How I had gotten here is beyond me. I looked around to see the light from what looks like some kind of screen lighting up the room from the end of the bed. I slowly pulled the blankets away and started to climb out of bed.

"Lay back down, Jason," her voice cold and demanding. She stood up illuminated by only the light coming from her laptop on the floor. "You need a little more rest," 

"How long have I been out?" I asked falling back on the bed. 

"Two days," she said crossing her arms. 

I hadn't seen her like this before. She has on a pair of glasses, her hair is pulled up in a messy bun, sweatpants and a tank top that reads 'Every Time A Girl Squats A Unicorn Gets Its Horn'. I dig it. She pushed the glasses up the bridge of her nose bending down to pick up the laptop and shutting it instantly making the room dark. 

"I'll let Bruce know you're up," 

"Wait," I said not wanting her to leave. "Did you take care of me after Alfred patched me up?" 

"I also removed the bullets," she said hugging the laptop to her chest. 


"Don't mention it," she shrugged like it was no big deal. 

"What were you working on?" I asked pointing at the laptop. 

"Modification details for something I'm working on," 

"What are you working on?" I repeated. She smiled revealing her retainers. She is the cutest dorky chick ever.

"Don't laugh or tell me that I need to stop because I will throw this at you. I have a back up in my room," she threatened. That caught my attention and made me sit up. 

"Okay," I shrugged leaning back against the headboard.

"I'm making you a suitable helmet that will help you out on patrol and when you're fighting," I wasn't expecting that in the slightest. I had basically told her to fuck off and she went with making me a helmet?

"Why?" I asked unable to grasp her logic. 

"As an apology. I know Bruce is very important to you and I got you in trouble with him. So as an apology, I decided I was going to make you a new helmet. I was thinking of making you a thank you one for helping me the day of the wake. You don't strike me as a materialistic guy and this was what I came up with. I'll think of something else to come up with for the thank you," 

"You don't have to do that," I said getting out of bed. 

"I know. I want to," she shrugged again. 

"You're a shrugger," 

'I'm sorry?" 

"You like to shrug your shoulders when you're nervous," she tightened her lips trying to fight a smile. 

"Yeah, my mom says it's my tell. I also do it when I'm lying," 

"It's not a good idea to tell me that," she shrugged again. 

"If I ever have a reason to lie to you, then know it's a very valid reason," 

"Can I see it?" I asked. 

"See what?" 

"What you're working on," 

"You shouldn't be up," she said no shrug this time. "Even with your accelerated healing. You need some more rest," 

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