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ZHU- Guilty Love 


"Jay, wake up," I looked up to see Dick through the lenses of my helmet. I sat up looking back at the angel where Ilya had been. 

"She's gone, Dick," I shouted stumbling forward. 

"Jason, stop," Bruce said sternly. I looked back at him to see Batman. "What happened?" 

"She was upset. She was crying and I didn't want to disturb her. There was this shadow over there and then she came up behind me. She knew who I was. She stuck a needle in my neck and everything became numb. She took her," 

"Who?" Dick asked. 

"It was her Bruce. I swear to god it was her," he shook his head. 

"Jason we buried Elizabeth right there. It wasn't a fake body,"

"It was her Bruce," 

"Can you play it back for us?" Dick asked tapping my helmet. 

"It was off. I was giving Ilya privacy. Red zooms in and brings up the audio," 

"Could it have been a hallucination from the drug?" Bruce asked. 

"No, I saw her before she pricked me. I'm not making it up, Bruce. Why would I need to?" he sighed looking around.

"Let's split up. Try to find something," he nodded. 

"Are you okay to walk?" Dick asked.

"I'm fine," I said steadying myself. 

"There's blood," Bruce said going over to the statue. 

"She hit it a couple of times," I said walking past him. 

"You didn't stop her?" 

"No, I didn't. Red, night vision please," 

"Night vision sequence activated. Head southeast," 


"I was active when you passed out, Jay," she pulled up the images of the woman walking away with Ilya until she put her in a car and disappeared. 

"I've never loved you more than I do right now, Doll," I said and started running in the direction they had gone with Bruce and Dick following close behind me. 

"Tire burn," she said scanning the street. "Security camera up there," 

"Can you get a read on her tracker?" I asked thinking a little clearer now.

"It's back in the direction you came from," 

"Shit," I sighed looking up at the camera. "Can you get anything off that thing?" 

"I can't find the software. Must be an old recorder," 

"What do you have?" Dick asked coming over to me. 

"Tire tracks and a camera. I have to break in," 

"Stay here. Look around. I'll get it," Bruce said jumping over the fence. 

"Are you sure it was Elizabeth?" he asked when we looked around to try and find anything. 

"She looked just like her, Dick," 


"The eyes were wrong. At first, I thought I was looking at her but there was something cold about them. The night she died I looked that woman dead in the eyes. I swear the only other person I know who gets close to having all the beauty in their eyes is Ilya," he smirked.

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