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Black Gummy- The Machine


"I know it was one of you. Which one of you did it?" Bruce had woken up a few minutes ago and called the three of us into his study. I looked at Jason and then at Damian who just sat there with their lips pressed together.

"It was me," I said slowly raising my hand. The boys let out stifled laughs looking away.

"I know it wasn't you," he said looking over at Jason.

"I'm serious. I did it. Jason didn't even know until I told him at school," I admitted truthfully.

"Why?" he asked his scary eyes zeroing in on me. I trembled a little under the scrutiny of his eyes.

"You needed the rest. You've slept eighty-two hours since I've arrived almost a month ago. That's so bad for you,"

"That's not your call to make," he scolded sternly.

"What does it matter now? You're well rested. You know who did it. What now?" The boys snickered again. Alfred kept a stoic look on his face but his eyes gave him away. He thinks it's just as funny as the boys do.

"You're grounded. The only reason you're going to be around Jason is to go to school and come right back. Do you understand?"

"I'm nineteen years old," I said shaking my head.

"I don't care how old you are or how grown up you think you are. You're under my roof and you will follow my rules,"

"You have a specific rule against drugging people because as I recall it you have drugged everyone in this house. The rule should apply to you as well," Jason couldn't hold it in anymore he burst out laughing.

"Jason," Bruce glance his way. He turned around putting his arm on the armrest of the couch burying his face in it. "Ilya, when I do it it's for your own benefit,"

"You should see the glow around you. You look well rested. Like you have the energy to spare. That was for your own benefit. I think you're just mad because I gave you the slip,"

"Another thing I want to talk to you and Jason about," he put the key safe lock on the coffee table between us.

"You got it open?" Damian asked excitedly. When Bruce looked over at him he sat back. "Bad grounded Ilya. Father is very disappointed,"

"Sell out," Jason whispered.

"Okay, that was all me but mostly because I wanted to go out without people watching out for Bruce Wayne's Lamborghini. I wanted some privacy and all of your cars scream. Hey, look there comes a Wayne. Oh look it's Ilyasviel Wayne. The Black Mask just killed her mom," his face fell apart and he looked away. The boys stayed very quiet.

"Ilyasviel, you can't just run around doing whatever you want," he said sitting back.

"I'm sorry," I said softly. "I know it was bad of me to drug you but you looked like a zombie. My mom used to do that and I had to do it to her as well. She obviously never caught me and I'd never admit it to her. I just wanted you to feel better. As for the lock, I won't do it again without your permission. Not unlock it obviously. I mean take your keys without asking first,"

I entwined my fingers together and looked down at them before glancing up at him with my best smoldering look. The one Felicity calls Oliver Queen's weakness. The boys both looked at me before looking at Bruce.

"Don't do either of these things again. Do you understand?" he asked.

"Yes, Bruce," I answered softly. I really hope he doesn't take this as a promise. I make no promises for the sake of mischief.

"Get out of here. All three of you,"

"Am I still grounded? For how long? I have a thing with Alpha Kappa Psi Friday,"

"No, just don't do it again,"

Once we were out in the hallway the boys high-fived me.

"Ilya," I flinched and walked back into the study.


"It got everything on your list. I'd like to assist you with the modifications,"

"Are you serious? I am going to go change and get my tools," I shouted and rushed out. I swear I heard him laugh.

I quickly slipped my overalls on, grabbed my glasses, and got my backpack filled with my tools. Bruce was waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs when I reached him. He smiled at what I was wearing and led me back to the cave. I had been excited when he said I could take a look at his computer but now that he's going to let me tamper with it. I can't think of anything else.

"You like to tinker with things," Bruce said when I went around to open the hatch to get inside the computer.

"You have no idea," I said going over to the packages labeled Wayne Enterprises.

He had marked them all according to the list I had given him. He sat in the desk chair watching as I opened the boxes and took what was inside out. Once everything was prepared, I went to my backpack and started up my laptop.

"Tim asked to be here," he said after a while.

"You should have let him come. I would love a second opinion on things. Maybe we can learn from each other,"

"Are you sure she's your kid?" I looked back to see Tim walking in dressed in his Red Robin armor. He took his mask off going over to the new parts I had ordered.

"You shouldn't ask stupid questions, Tim," I said ignoring him.

"And there it is," he laughed. "This is some pretty advanced stuff,"

"Not really just a little repairing," I said.

"This list really specific," he said coming over to me.

"I ran diagnostics yesterday while we were out,"

"You ran diagnostics while you were using the computer?" he asked. "How?"

"It's called a Ghost Server created by Felicity Smoak. Want to see the report?" he nodded. I pointed at the tablet I had let Alfred use last night when I had to get Apollo out. "It's under B-Dad,"

"B-Dad?" Bruce asked.

"Batdad?" I let out nervously taking out the cables to connect my laptop to his computer. "I forgot you were here,"

"Wow, there are so many things wrong with this dinosaur," Tim said.

"Fixable things. Although I have my skepticism about server four,"

"Yeah, I see that," he said. "Would you mind if I help you?"

"No, I think Bruce and I will need your help. It's a big job,"

"You want me to assist you?" Bruce asked sitting up.

"Yeah, I thought that's what we were doing," I walked over to him handing him my laptop. "I am a lot smaller than you are, so you can tell me where to go and what needs to be fixed. Tim you and I will make the repairs. If you can't find the tools you need in my duffle bag you don't belong near the servers,"

"She is your kid. I'm sorry I questioned it,"

I jumped down to the server room and set up light before getting to work. Tim put some music on and I had to admit he has a fun taste in music. After a couple of hours, Bruce left to go out on patrol with Damian. It took less time than I expected with Tim's help. It's not as easy to get along with him as it is with Jason and Dick but we made due and for that, I'm grateful. 

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