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Bullet For My Valentine: Tears Don't Fall


I sat across from Bruce hours after I had gotten the information out of Harley. It didn't take much. All she wanted was a cupcake. She didn't really know much except the location of the target. No name, she can't exactly ask questions. Ilya had gone to bed and I really don't know what to do with the information we got. 

"Tell me again what she said," Bruce demanded. 

"She said she didn't know who the target was but that it was important for the Suicide Squad to take this agent out. That this guy had information on something codenamed Alcatraz," 

"I've never heard of anything codenamed Alcatraz. None of the hidden files mention anything-"

The panic in his eyes frustrates the hell out of me. This is way off, Bruce doesn't get emotionally involved in anything and if it's personal he buries those emotions deep down. Maybe all of this is stirring up some past shit but he can't be going out like this. He can get hurt or worse, hurt someone. 

"Bruce, maybe we should talk to her about this," I suggested.

"She's never mentioned it before. She's given us whatever we've asked for and other things she's gotten herself into but not once did she bring up any theories as to why Waller might have wanted her dead," 

"Let's ask her. Harley is a nut job. She could have been lying. It wouldn't be the first time," 

"Do you think she was lying?" 

"I don't know. We're too close to this, maybe," 

"Jason, whatever this is. I don't think she's supposed to know about it and it got her killed. She's alive. The means won't matter to them. They'll come for her again. Waller wanted to make sure she disappeared," 

"I'm going to try and talk to her," he nodded going back to his computer. An image of Alcatraz island came up on the screen.

She's at her desk like she usually is. She has her hair in two braids. The light of her three laptop screens lights up her glasses as her hands' maneuver over the keys boards. She glanced over at me and smiled without stopping what she was doing. 

"Can I help you, peeper?" she asked.

"Peeper? You leave your damn door open," 

"Doesn't mean you have to look. I mostly leave it open for Alfred. He comes and goes. Does he ever sleep?"  

"No idea. What are you working on?" 

"Ghost concept for our programs. I want to make them completely undetectable," 

"Mind if I come in? I'm not tired yet," 

"As long as you don't mind my long conversation pauses. Multitasking is not my friend," 

I shut the door behind me. I sat on the end of her bed before falling back. The smell that is quick to surround me reminds me of the pillows back in my apartment. It relaxes me. As dumb as it sounds, I miss it. Maybe I can switch my pillows with hers. Would she even notice?

"What is up with you?" she asked without looking over at me. "Did something happen?" 

"I remember dying," is what came out of my mouth. The clicking stopped. "I remember him hitting me. I remember the feel of the fire coming at me. The burning, the amount of pressure that was released from the bomb that finally killed me. I remember all of it," 

"What's going on Jason?" she asked turning to face me. She didn't think giving me her attention was enough because she came over and sat down next to me crossing her legs before she moved her body to look down at me while I tucked my arms under my head.

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