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Kid Cudi- Day 'N' Night


"Father said you were making yourself a very interesting mask. What's wrong with your old one?" Damian asked sitting across from me at the breakfast table.

"It was a prototype," I said putting a piece of steak in my mouth.

"I liked your mask. Why would you want a different one?"

"D, all you have to do is ask. I can upgrade your mask for you," he looked up at me with a glare.

"What would you do to it?"

"Make it scarier for starters. I can add some tech lenses that can help you on patrol and get you a voice-activated ear com,"

"That does intrigue me," he said sitting back. "Would it be just as good as father's?"

"I've never gotten a real look at his mask," I said with a smile knowing where this was headed. "We can ask him and if he says no, we can sneak a peak,"

"Just because I want my mask to be better," he mumbled as we continued to eat our dinner.

"I overheard Alfred say you start school in the morning. Shouldn't you be preparing for that?"

"I'm prepared," I answered truthfully. I've been prepared for a couple of days now. "Why do you keep going to Gotham Academy? I've seen your school records. You're probably bored there,"

"I am," he said with a sighed. "I don't appreciate you looking into my records or anything involving my life. Stay out of it,"

"Don't you want a real challenge? School was rough for me too. All my teachers hated me because I'd constantly correct them or disagree with some of their stupid theories. SCU was where I finally found a place where I can really be myself,"

"Father gets enough attention because of me as it is," he said getting up. "I have school in the morning as well. If he says no, he leaves after seven,"

"Okay," he disappeared leaving me alone to finish my dinner.

"Why are you in this big ass room all alone?" I looked back to see Jason coming over to me pulling his shirt over his freshly bandaged torso.

"I'm eating dinner," I stated.

"You can eat in your room,"

"My mom didn't like that. Old habits die hard,"

"That's for damn sure," he said pulling a chair out slowly easing into it. "I thought I saw your brother coming out of here,"

"Yeah, we kind of awkwardly eat together sometimes," I said trying to keep Damian's little bad boy image intact. "He threatens to kill me constantly,"

"Yeah, don't take it personally he threatens everyone,"

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

"Fine, Alfred gave me the okay to get back out there,"

"It's not ready yet. I still need to smooth out the edges and put the carbon fiber on it," he nodded.

"Think you can get that done by like eleven-ish?"

"Do you have somewhere to be?" he nodded.

"Good evening you two," Bruce said walking in.

"I was just about to go look for you," I said greeting him.

"Okay, I'm here now. What can I do for you?" he asked.

"Will you two be joining Miss Ilya for dinner?"

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