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Stone Sour- Through Glass


I feel it. As soon as the wake started and I looked into the box to see her in it. The coldness numbed my entire body. She looks so beautiful. Like she's going to open those beautiful hazel eyes and smile at me at any given moment. I reached for her feeling the coldness of her body and flinched back as the images of her death came back. That's when I saw it.

The shadow began to roam around the room looking over the people who had come to pay their respects. She would glance up at me with a bright smile on her face. The cynical smile I had worn when I had adapted along with the league. I shut my eyes shaking it off and sat down. Trying to think of something to forget. How will I ever forget when the only person who made me happy is laying in a casket? When all that's left of her is a bloodstained memory?

Thea had come a few days ago. She was very surprised to find out Roy was here. I tried to entertain her as best I could but I just didn't have it in me. The only person that had been able to get a reaction out of me was Jason and that was before I had watched how happy mom had been when I was dancing with Bruce. When she was in his arms. I'll never forget that smile. She had been happy for an instant.

"You know it was his fault right?" she asked jumping up on top of the casket. "He insisted on that grand presentation. Wanted to show the world his new weakness and she paid for it," She leaned forward laying her body on the closed end of the casket looking down at my mother. "She's so pretty. I bet he planned this. He knew she wanted to take you away from him and he didn't want that. This is his fault. What are you doing sitting there with that pathetic look on your face?! Get up and do something!"

She rolled off the casket and walked over to Bruce reaching for the spear strapped on her back and twirling it above her before she positioned the end of it aiming at his chest. For an instant, I almost believed it. My body tensed up but then I let it go when it just went right through him. She laughed. The sound of her cynical voice echoed in my ears. I shut my eyes feeling the tears drip off the end of my eyelashes.

"Get up and kill him!" She shouted. "All of them. None of these people cared for her. Not like us! LET ME IN," she banged on the top of the coffin. "I need you to let me in. I can fix this. We both know that! LET ME IN,"

I opened my eyes to see her right in front of me. She looked at Thea sitting next to me with my hand in hers.

"This one," she said pointing at her the with the of the spear. "It was all because you wouldn't give this spoiled bitch up to Talia. You see what all that has brought? Our mother wouldn't be lying in that box if you would have just told Talia where she was from the very beginning. If you would have brought her this girl's head as a gift. Mother wouldn't have had the need to tell Bruce Wayne you were his daughter. None of this would have happened if it wasn't for this entitled brat!"

She lifted the spear up over her head. I jumped up pushing Thea out of the way. She turned those angry eyes of hers at me. They changed from their normal blue to the wild crimson red of the hound. The ear piercing sound of her angry growl echoed loudly in my ears. I stepped back when she came at me.

"Get away from me," I shouted as the coldness took hold. I fell back trying really hard to push it away from me.

"Look at him," she said looking at Jason. "He thinks he can help you,"

"Get away from me," I said pushing him away. I could see him trying to tell me something but I couldn't hear him.

"No one can help you,"

"Leave," I pleaded trying to get him away from me.

"Where is he going to go where I wouldn't be able to find him? Where you wouldn't be able to find him? We're going to make him suffer. We're going to make them all suffer,"

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