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Fake Blood- I Think I Like It


I couldn't stop obsessing over it. I'm sitting here sitting across from my girl as she ordered Lunch off the menu. I'm sitting here trying to make a list of all the pros and cons on Machin. So far, I have mouth breather as a con. I have to pros on my list. One being her obsession with my legs and two being the fact that I have two legs. My cons list is so long. 

"What did you think of the lab?" she asked once I told the waitress what I wanted. 

"It's really white," I said looking at her. "Ills, I'm kind of freaking out," 

She reached over the table putting her hand over mine. "Why?" 

"Well, for starters, he's a fucking doctor. In the same field, you're getting your doctrine in, I might as well add. I'm just some criminal pretending to be a good guy," she smiled looking up at me. 

"Jay, I don't want you because of what you do. Honestly, that's kind of exciting though. You are a criminal but so is the rest of our family. So am I. You're not pretending to be anything. We are who we are, remember? Don't overthink this because you're going to drive both of us insane, Triple-T. I'm with you. The only person who can change that right now is you," 

"Okay," I said taking a deep breath. "I'm going out with Dick tonight. Someone has to look out for the city while the big man is out," 

"Okay," she nodded answering her phone. "Hey, Bruce... Yeah, he's right here. Say hi, Jason," she said turning her phone towards me. 

"Hi, Jason," I murmured pushing it back to her. She smiled before putting it back to her ear.

"I wish you could have told me this before I walked in. I would have done some homework. I went in there blind. It caught me off guard... I want to know is if  I have to be worried about this guy hurting Jason. I don't- I know he can but this is different. I don't know how Set will react to any of it. She okay with cruising around right now but what about when she starts missing him? She's being cautious right now because of me. She loves him. I feel it in her memories... I don't want to talk about that... Yes, I'll call you later... No, you don't have to come home. I'm fine. I'll look at what you've got when I get home. Sure, I'll let Dick know. Thank you, Bruce," she hung up placing her phone down on the table. 

"You okay?" I asked. 

"I don't like having two personalities right now," she said looking at her glass of water. "I want to hit something," 

"I forget that you can be bad sometimes too," she looked up at me with a little-wicked smirk. "Want to come out with us tonight? You don't have to at work until ten tomorrow," 

"Sure," she nodded. 

We had a really nice lunch date. We talked about really random stuff. Once we got home, we went straight to the Batcave where she started up the giant computer. A massive Bruce popped up on the screen. 

"How is everything?" he asked when I sat at his giant keyboard. "Did Lucius allow you to take your non-lethals into the lab with you?" 

"Yes, he did," I said spinning on the chair. Ilya smiled. 

"What did you find?" she asked. 

"I was going to ask Tim for help but he has his hands full with Brother Blood right now and Babs doesn't answer me," 

"Babs and Dick are having couple problems," I shrugged. 

"Oh, okay," he said awkwardly. "There is a signal coming from Gotham but it's coming from a bunch of different servers at once. It's transmitting this symbol to the location I am,"

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