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Calvin Harris & Disciples- How Deep Is Your Love


When smart people get bored, they get creative with the way they spend their time. While the rest of us patrolled the city Ilya tried to find a way to destroy the machine she had created to get into different dimensions. She and Bruce had tried just about everything to try and destroy it but couldn't. So plan B is to make it less threatening and by less threatening, I mean maybe turning it into a time machine but I could be wrong. Bruce just wants to make sure no giant demons come out of it. 

Tim is here helping her since Brother Blood was captured along with a few others. He said he has a deal going with the H.I.V.E. So as long as they don't do something that jeopardizes their city he won't bust them when he gets bored and so far it's been clean. It's too hot to be doing crazy shit here in Gotham. Summer is upon us. This is the only reason Gotham is a great summer tourist attraction. 

"How do we test it and what if we test it and it goes wrong? It might disintegrate us. Or worse, what if the changes didn't work and we release a monster? Or worse, we get sucked into the portal and have to survive in hell or wherever this thing takes us. What if-" 

"Tim shut the fuck up," Ilya shouted dropping her wrench on the floor angrily.

"Ilya," Bruce scolded but it didn't sound like he meant it. She sighed taking her black welding goggles off tossing them on the floor next to the wrench. 

"I'm sorry, Tim," she said sitting on the floor where she was crouched down at. "When's the last time you slept?" 

"Last night?" he asked her. 

"Are you asking me?" she shook her head. "Stop drinking coffee, Tim. You need to eat something and go to bed," 

"But we have to finish," he said hugging himself. I think he meant to cross his arms. 

"We are finished, buddy," she said getting up. "Come on, let's get something to eat. We'll test it tomorrow," 

"But I want to test it now," he complained looking back at the contraption. 

"No," she said sternly leading him away. Bruce and I shook our heads watching him reluctantly stomp his feet up the stairs. "Don't touch anything Jason," 

"I wasn't," I defended because I really wasn't thinking that. 

"I heard about your business," I looked at him briefly before I started to walk away. "Come on, Jason. I think it's a good idea," 

"What?" I asked surprised before looking back at him. 

"I think when you and Roy were running together with that little alien girl, you felt useful. Better. I saw that spark in you again. Are you recruiting?" 

"I haven't thought about it yet," 

"Are you sure you want to do this? Are you going to be able to tell the difference between a good job and a bad one?" 

"Look, Bruce. I promised Ilya I'd stop with the drugs, and woman, and guns, and other shit, alright? I got what I wanted from them and it's time to move on. I'm not Dick or Tim alright. I'm not going to stop and think about every little detail like you guys do. This is who I am. I want to help. I know I screwed things up between all of us and I know this is my second chance. We all know I'm going to fuck up. So, whatever you want to say keep it to yourself. 

"I'm trying my best here and I want to show you, I'm not a complete lost cause but I'm probably going to remind us all that I am. I'm not who you all think I am. I'm not who I think I am because not once did I ever think I'd fall in love with a girl who made me want to be better. I also never thought I'd come back here. I'm also kind of hungry," 

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