How i found him (part 1)

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Once upon a time a girl was told by her stupid chorus teacher to ask the percussion ensemble teacher a question... Walking through the hallway she ran into nerd looking drummer boy. (Little did she was going to fall in love with nerd looking drummer boy, three years later) "hey get out of my way! dumbass" she yelled at the boy. He got out of her way without a word, he just looked at her walk away. She looked back, to see him still looking at her, she shook her head and continued walking. She came back and the boy was gone! *Two months later*

That same boy is sitting next to another girl that sits at the same table as the girl. The boy didn't seem to remember her, which was a relief. The girl assumed that the boy was dating the other girl! soon to find out that she was right (like always) After a couple of days, the boy stopped sitting with the other girl, the girl assumed that he broke up with the other girl... "What douche canoe" she thought to herself. But she did find that boy kinda cute, for a nerdy drummer boy that is.

*More time passed and now it's 8th grade*

Girl almost forgot the boy existed. Until one of her best friends brought him up. "Hey, do you want to know who I like?" The girl's friend asked. "Sure" said the girl

"Well he's in my percussion class." Said the friend. With only three boys in mind, she thought. "Wait I thought you only liked girls?" She asked wondering. "Nah man I'm bisexual!" Her friend announced! "Anyway just tell me!" She yelled unintentionally. She looked around to see all her friends looking at her. "Oops" she thought "that was too loud" ... *long pause* "I'll give you two more hints, okay" her friend said with a giggle. Mhm "he wears glasses, and he loves to plays drums." That nerdy drummer boy from 7th grade! She thought, it can't be anyone else! But what is his name? "I think I know who you're talking about, but I don't know his name?" The girl said apologetically. " His name is Nick, don't you think he's cute?" She said pointing at a boy sitting at the other table. The girl looked at the boy, and recognize who he was! "Wow he is pretty cute" she thought. Then the girl looked at her boyfriend sitting next to her, waiting for her to answer her friends question. She had to think fast, " nah girl, I've seen cuter boys!" She lied to her friend. Sighing in relief, she sat back down in her chair, her boyfriend kissed her cheek and went on to eating.

( *time passed* the girl's friend forgot about Nick, the girl broke up with her boyfriend and developed a new crush)

She didn't pay much mind to Nick after that, the next time she saw Nick was the 8th graduation dance. He was slow dancing with a girl that seemed to be his girlfriend right next to who she was slow dancing with. She laughed, the girl was taller than him. The boy she was dancing with asked why she was laughing, she pointed at the couple. He laughed too. The song ended and they went their separate ways. She only danced with one other boy that night, and it was one of her best friend. The night night ended and they went their separate ways too.

(Summer vacation passed by very quickly, now the girl a 9th grader at Ellis Tech (high school))

The first two months of school were a blur. She when through the bulk of exploratory, she had to choose three shops that should would like to pursue in. She chose:

1) Electrical

2) Electronics

3) Architectural Technologies

Electrical was her favorite! Electronics was a blast! But Architectural tech was kinda life changing.

It was the first day of the Architectural 4-day. The girl already had Miss Ackerman (the architectural teacher) for a home room teacher. The bell rang, and all of home room left except the girl... She sat at her desk and anxiously tapped her feet... About a minuet later other kids started walking in... So far eight kids walked in the room and so knew not one of them. "Please someone I know just walk into this room right now" she whispered to herself. Then someone from her old school that she hated with a burning passion walked in. "This is not what I meant!" She grumbled under her breath. Then two more boys walked in. One boy she recognized from her science class during academics. So she pointed to the seat to the left of her and he sat next to her. Then she studied the other boy, he did look familiar, but she couldn't place a name with his face. Then it hit her, it was that the nerdy drummer boy from 7th grade, but what was his name... Nick, his name is Nick! "Um hey Nick come and sit on the other side of me Kay? Kay!" She said a little too happily... "What the poop is wrong with me, I'm probably scaring him... Well it's too late to fix it! ugh!" She thought to herself. Nick sat down next to her with a smile... " okay I didn't scare him, or at least he isn't showing it. Um what do I say? Hi? No I already said that! Um how about..." She continued to think. " was he the boy that Caitlin dated for 4 days like two weeks ago... *she looked at him* ... Yeah he is! Haha four days that pretty sad, he can't hold a girl for longer than a week" she giggle at herself. Nick looked at her confused and asked " what's so funny?" She snapped out of her thinking. " huh? What? Wait! Oh nothing!" He looked at her and shook his head and turn away. " lier." She looked at him surprised "did he just call me a lier" she thought, before she realized it, she had punched his arm. "Hey, what was that for?" He snapped! "Hey you called me a lier, that wasn't not very nice." He looked at her surprised. " what! do you not remember?"

The Story of Meحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن