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Holy fuck guys... Dustin is more freaking amazing than I thought he could ever be. He's sweeter than sugar, like oh my god.... He's soo freaking Kawaii guys... He is always calling me pretty, I mean every chance he gets he calls me pretty (LIKE OH MY GAWD)

Oh so Christmas is coming and I got Dustin what he want for Christmas... But he actually thinks that he can return the favor... I hate when people spend money on me, I don't why I just don't.
Dustin - Lol how about you what would leslie like for christmas
Me - To be honest I want some Nirvana sweatpants I saw at Hot Topic a few weeks ago
Dustin - How much do they cost? And what is hot topic
Me - They cost $15 and Hot Topic is a punk rock apparel store
Dustin - If I can come up with the money I will I just spent all my money on a knife on friday
Me - Oh you got one of the knife you were talking about the other day... And come up with the money for what
Dustin - The sweatpants lol
Me - Don't do that for me please
Dustin - Lol why not if I have the money your my girlfriend that would be assholish of me
Me - But you'll be spending money on me
Dustin - You spent money on me today its only fair, plus Nirvana is my all time favorite band
Me - Fine okay
If he actually gets them for me I'll be very happy and very upset, I really don't want him spending money on me... Ugh why must he be so sweet that it takes everything in my power to say no to him.
So you guys all know know Zach right, when the only reason I even liked him is because Dustin had a girlfriend when I liked him... Well what I'm technically saying I liked Dustin longer than i liked Zach... I kinda used Zach as a cover up for my crush Dustin... I didn't want anyone to know that I like Dustin. I mean there is obviously nothing wrong with liking Dustin it's just I wanted to keep it a secret. Plus Dustin is my best friend even before we started dating and if I told one any of my friends, he would have eventually found out himself, and at the time I didn't know that he like me to. I didn't want him to act differently around me at the time...
Yeah I bet that is pretty confusing but I hope you got the gist of it.
Dustin and I kissed for the first time yesterday and he totally caught me off guard, but I still enjoyed it. Ugh I really want to kiss him again. I also want cuddle with him and play video games together. But hey whatever.

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