Oh Well! Oh Well!

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I named the chapter Oh Well! Oh Well! Because I'm obsessed with that song right now... It's by Mayday Parade (just incase if you're were wondering)

I'm going to show you something i mentioned in another book but it's more relevant in this book (sorry if you already read the book) well here I go

Dave and I were talking and here's how it turned out

Dave: "If you even do still like me, stop. It'll be better for you and for me. I'm not saying that we shouldn't still talk and stuff because I like it and it's fun. :) I've just been thinking that if there's no benefit to you doing so, you shouldn't. Although this does fly in the face of science because girls tend to go after and like guys when they can't have them or they are uninterested. I'm not trying to be mean or anything because you really are awesome and I would date you if I did do that thing but I don't. Although I guess you already knew all of that. Something about all of this just doesn't feel right and I wouldn't want to hurt anyone. Please understand. P.s. I was going to put a smiley face at the bottom of that, but it seemed too big. So just imagine a small smiley next to it. :) <- big smiley P.s.s. Saying this feels like ripping off a band-aid to me. It hurts."

1) I hurt him

2) he hurt me

3) that's exactly what he didn't want

4) time for a cheesy "The Fault In Our Stars" quote

"Oh, I wouldn't mind, Hazel Grace. It Would be a privilege to have my heart broken by you"

~ Augustus Waters~

That's how I feel about him...

I want him to be my Augustus Waters minus the dying part.

Anyway I'm going to tell you my response

Me: Umm okay, I'm sorry, I really am

Him: What are you feeling?

What do you mean? No you haven't done anything wrong. I just felt like I couldn't be myself with that on my back.

Me: I feel Nothing really

I'm just sorry that I liked you

I kinda stop liking you yesterday though

Him: Ok

so we're good?

Me: Yes, we're fine

Him: What was that yesterday anyway?

Me: I don't remember

Him: ...

Ok ill believe you ;)

Me: I'm being serious lol

I was lying to him


I hurt just as much I he did

Yup that happened but whatever... So I was thinking "if you can't beat em, join em" so I'm doing that for the time being...

And a different note

Nick has a new girlfriend

But He doesn't even remember my name

That bothers me a lot

I'm i really that forgettable

I don't even care about him anymore

That just really bothers me

I mean, people who haven't seen me in years remember my name

He forgot mine in a month

I don't really hate him it just that I can't stand to see him happy when I'm not (yes I know it sounds selfish)

His girlfriend name is Amber (yup the one from the poems) I called it (kassy will only understand) she looks like Smeagol from The Lord of The Rings (I'm not being mean or jealous, its just the truth) I put a picture if you don't believe me...

Everyone thinks that she's a Surrogate for me

A surrogate is:

a person appointed to act for another

They say that because

We both "like" pokemon (I Freaking love pokemon!!! I admin pokemon pages. I played pokemon 24/7 before my 3DS broke. Ask ALL of my friends they will vouch for me)

Were both good at drawing

And Other outrages similarities.

But I know I'm better than her....

And he downgraded from me so that is a positive

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