Playing My Music Is The Way I Cope With Life

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You're a fucking asshole and a lier
But I always forgive you
There's something wrong with me because I can't take this anymore
You've hurt me so many times but I keep forgiving you
I want to cry

I will always like you
And that's my problem

The worst the is that you don't even know that I like you... Hearing that you fuck around with other girls hurts ya know...
Not like you would care
If you found that I like you
You would probably push me away... You wouldn't change if I told how much you hurt me... Because that's who you are, a man slut... I can't change that no matter how much I would want to.

Realizing that you would never like me... Hurts...a lot
I've liked you since sixth grade... But you'll only ever see me as a friend...

You hate when I get into relationships...
But when I'm single you just fuck with my feelings
That's not cool man
All I have is my broken heart and I don't need you breaking more. But I've tried to let you go but you pull me back in.
But I'm running out of glue to fix my heart that you keep breaking.

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