50th Chapter! Oh My!

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I can't believe I have enough drama and stuff in my life to be able to write 50 chapters about it. Damn.

Anyway, boy I have some drama for you

Today I realized something
I might not ever get Alex back... it sucks because I kinda love him... so yeah

I'm saying this Because today I saw him with a freshman girl (a pretty one at that) and he was holding her stuff... I swear they're dating

I cried, I'm little heart broken actually. It felt like a second breakup but whatever


Today kinda sucked too. I asked him about the girl he just turned away from me like I didn't saying anything to him. My heart dropped and broke. I wanted to cry but I didn't. He's does that to me and then gets all pissy when my friends Hunter and Matt give me a hug. Um go hug your stupid freshman girlfriend you twat.

Hes an idiot the girl is probably only dating him because he's a senior.  I dated him cause we awesome together, I dated him because I liked him for the asshole he is. I dated him because I thought he was special. I dated him because i wanted to be his frist and last girlfriend. But obviously i mean nothing to him, I'm just another girl who likes him.
I'm so stupid for falling for his dumb ass. He doesnt love me back a d he never will. Man that hit me real hard
(I'm crying,)


The Story of MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora