So I Got Some Good News

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So last chapter I was complaining how that Spencer kid told my crush that I wanted to go to homecoming with him. I yelled at him for what he did. So this happen:

Spencer: At least your going to homecoming im sitting at home alone that night so if he says no find someone new and move on

Me: Ugh if he says no still I really like him. I hope he won't hate me

Spencer: Sorry I wont do it next oh my fucken god

Me: what?

Spencer: I wont do it next time im sorry

Me: There probably won't a next time

Spencer: Okay

*two hours later*

Me: Did he read the message

Spencer: Yes, he said that he just got out of a relationship but would go to the dance as friends he wants to take things slow...

Me: i just wanted to go as friends anyway... remember i just got over nick... yeah i like him and all but i not even ready for another relationship

Spencer: good

Me: *rolls eyes* * puts phone to charge* *sleeps*

The next day at school I was quite and too afraid to talk to Zach (a.k.a. my crush) since he was in ALL my freaking classes. I got home and around five o'clock I messaged him.

Me: umm can I ask you something

Zach: yeah

(I couldn't believe he actually messaged me back)

Zach: what? Are you there?

Me: Did you ever get a weird message from a kid saying that I wanted to go homecoming with you

Zach: Yes what do you mean though

Me: Well this what he told me "he said that he just got out of a relationship but would go to the dance as friends he wants to take things slow..."

Zach: Yeah I'm not really looking for a gf right now but I'd be glad to go with you

Me: I'm not really looking for a boyfriend either... I just thought it would cool if we went to homecoming as friends

Zach: yeah

Me: yeah

Zach: So you like me?

(I freaked out in my head)

Me: This might sound weird but

I think you're cute

But I don't know how I feel towards you yet

(I fibbed a little bit)

Zach: So you just like me cuz of my looks?

(I was about to answer him but)

Zach: Well wanna go to the dance with me

Me: Yeah I wanna go to the dance with you

Plus I don't just like you for your looks

Zach: ok jw and okay

I thought it was so cute that he thought I only liked him for his looks. Awe, I don't know why I find that so cute.

I like him because he's taller than me (then again, most people are taller than me), he's really nice, the thing I find most attractive about him is, when ever I say something nice or mean to him, he makes this super cute offended face. And when ever he makes this face I regret almost everything I said to him before he made the face. Than again I fall for any kind of puppy face or cute offended face.

Point being, I'm going to homecoming with my crush!

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