Opening Up Is Hard

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I just want Alex to open up to me.
Just like I tried to open up to him. I want to so badly but I'm just so afraid that I will push him away.

I every time I tried no words come out or just gibberish comes out of my mouth.

I tried Thursday but when I opened my mouth I started to stutter and I couldn't breath correctly. The words that come out of my mouth didn't make any sense.

I still don't know how I've come to care for him so much, but whatever.

I know it's cheesy and probably not true but Alex told me that I was the only reason he come to school everyday.

I know he was probably only saying that that to impress me (and it kinda worked)
But I did look at him and I asked him if he telling to the truth.
(I know when he lies so GIT GUD BRUH)
And he pinkie promised me that he was telling the truth. He never does pinkie promises when he knows he's lying. Plus he know how much pinkie promises mean to me.

Ugh i don't know anymore
*ghost xHEREx appears*
I want to believe him, because what he said actually made me feel special. (I don't know why but I'm crying right now as I'm typing this) I never feel special. And those few words made me feel something I'm not used to. Its like I actually mean something to him.
I know he means a lot to me.

I'm sorry this chapter was kinda sappy but I had to vent my feelings somewhere. Sorry.

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