A New Anon

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So I've meant to update.... Sorry

Anyway since I've gotten over nick (for the most part) I gotten to really like this guy.

His name is David.

He's the smartest I know. I like smart guys. Mostly because I'm not that smart.

Anyway most of you guys know that I'm a big nerd, dork, geek ect. Well he's all those things. :)

Bonus: he's not ugly. Actually he's really cute (picture on the side, sorry it bad it's the only one I got )

Since I go to a Tech school, I have a shop, and my shop is Electronics.

It's a shop full of super smart, smart, and semi smart kids. He's super smart and I'm semi smart. The one thing we're both really good thing is programming... On the last week of shop we started to make the never ending game. (Beat game ever. I give it a 11 out of 10! I'm not being biased it's just that good)

Just to you we got really close making the game.

So let me tell a little more about him...

A lot of towns where I live have reputations. My town is know for sluts and 13-year-old prostitutes. His town is know for snobby rich people and smart kids.

He was the top of the freshman class last year (I told you he was smart)

he's fifteen years old and He's eight months younger than me.

He prefers PlayStation over XBOX (so do I)

his twitter name is really funny @epicfatyolofish (don't ask)

he hates Facebook and Instagram (I hate Instagram too)

He's a smart kid with no smart phone.

He a horrible at texting, but he loves to text me anyway.

His full name is David Billy Blain (billy is not his real middle name, I just like saying it is)

He never swears... I mean never

I'm one of his favorite people (he said so himself)

He wants to be single forever and wants to be a cat lady with 25 cats (his words not mine)

Once I told him I wanted to be single forever and this was his response " awe I want to be single forever too, let's be single forever together, with 25 cats each" I felt like I was friend zoned, I hope I was not friend zoned.

Anyway one of me friends told me that she thinks that David liked me or my friend Mia and this was my response "hope it not Mia because I will slaughter her, I mean I love her and all but I will sell her body parts to the Chow-Mien..." Mia's response "I hope he likes you too" *slowly pushes closer to the window on the bus.* (I love you Mia)

He's the only guy in my shop to make me laugh so hard that I couldn't stop snorting.

He's amazing at drawing (just like me)

He just amazing

Kay? Kay! :D

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