Guys i did it! I really did it!!

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I got over nick.... I got over that scum bag lier!!!! Im so happy!! I don't feel uneasy anymore, like a giant weight has been lifted off my shoulders!!! (Crack kid voice) YAAAAA! Now I can like anyone I want and not having to worry about if him get all mad!! I was such a bitch to him, but he lied to me for all this time! It was so worth it! He thought I was upset that we weren't getting back together so this is what I told him "No I'm not... Shows how much you know me... You should know that I don't like showing any other emotion than happiness" it's true I love being happy, all the other emotions tire me out, it just too much work it be mad, sad, depressed, ect!

The best way to hide pain is a smile! I live by those words... Because if you hide long enough, three will things happen,

1.) you'll forget about it

2.) it'll go away

3.) you won't feel the pain anymore

So thank you nick for being such a scumbag!!! :) :) :) :) :) :)

The Story of MeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ