Wailord Used Body Slam

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I Bet you guys don't even question my titles anymore... Haha
I'm in academics again. Woohoo jk. I hate going from seeing Alex everyday in shop to like seeing a glimpse of him every other day in the hallways.
Except today. I saw him a few times in the hallways and on the way to us buses... Sometimes when I see him I just want to kiss him... Is that weird? I hope not...
People even say we would be the perfect couple...
Oh My Arceus I almost forgot to tell you... Alex actually likes me back... When I found out that he liked me back, let me tell you, on a scale From One to Even... I can't.
Anyway I don't know what it is but when I see Alex my tummy get all fluttery and I can't help but smile and giggle. Is there something wrong with me?

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