Hayden's smile dropped and she looked at the ground, adjusting her brown ponytail awkwardly. "Uh, actually Luke..." she trailed off and my heart froze.

"What?" I snapped, squeezing Snow so hard she yelped.

"Ashton here just adopted Pompi." She said, sounding apologetic. "We just finished the paperwork in the office a few minutes ago."

Ashton smiled and held his hands out for the dog in my arms. "Like I said, Pompi is mine. If you hand her back now, I won't call security."

My mind was running at a billion miles an hour.


No this wasn't possible.

Snow was-is mine! I saved up for her! Fuck this Ashton guy! He doesn't love her like I do!

Michael finally caught up to me. "Damn Luke, stop having long legs."

"Snowphelia belongs with me," I said slowly.

Michael looked at me, at Ashton, at the dog, and understood.

"Luke-" he tried but Ashton cut him off.

"Give me my dog!" He snapped, stepping closer. "I paid for her and she's mine! I love her too! You're just a thief now!"

"You're the thief!" I shouted, twisting my body so he couldn't grab Snowphelia. "She's mine!"

"The law says otherwise!"

"Fuck off!"

"Eat my ass!"

"Guys!" Hayden shouted. "Enough! Both of you!" She glared at us, hands on her hips. "Until this matter is sorted out, she's neither of yours. My boss is on vacation for the rest of the week, so until she gets back I can't do anything about the payments you both have made for this dog. Until then, she'll just have to stay here."

My mouth dropped open. "No! I don't want to leave her here!"

"She's mine! She's going to live with me!" Ashton insisted, reaching again for the dog.

Hayden stood between us, blue eyes blazing. "Then you both will take her home and take care of her. I'll call you in a week and we can sort this out. Technically since you both paid for her, she's both of yours. I don't want to hear any arguing from either of you, or she spends the rest of the week back here, got it?" She raised an eyebrow at us.

"....fine." Ashton mumbled.

I wasn't fine with it at all, but I managed a quick nod.

"Good." She leaned back, satisfied. "Now take her home."


Ashton and I made it as far as the sliding glass doors that led to the parking lot before we started to argue again.

"We're taking her to my place." Ashton growled. "Who knows what kind of a dump you live in."

I glared. "My parents house isn't a dump! It's clean and big and pet friendly!"

"You live with your parents?" The curly haired boy scoffed and crossed his arms. "Yeah, we're definetly taking her to my apartment then."

"You have your own place already?" I asked, momentarily forgetting I hate him. "How? Aren't you like eighteen?"

"I'm twenty." He said, looking me up and down. "And you're, what, twelve?"

I glared. "Try nineteen, assbutt."

He rolled his eyes. "Assbutt. Nice. You sure you're not twelve?"

Michael slapped me upside the head. "Can you guys not fight in front of the baby?"

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