"I don't like Elisse because she's two-faced. She acts nice to me when Damien is around, but she really wants me gone." If only I can tell Axel that I heard her thoughts, then everything would be easier for me. That woman, it would be better if someone like her isn't around Damien.

"Aren't you exaggerating?" Axel said. If only he knew what that girl was thinking. "Have you properly apologized to Damien?"

"I did." I sighed. "I don't know why he's still angry at me..."

"When you were apologizing, did you mention Ethan?"

"Well, I asked him if it's alright with him if I hang out with Ethan again." I replied honestly.

Axel left out a heavy sigh. "That's it, you idiot... You shouldn't have mentioned Ethan. He got mad because you were with Ethan, why did you still mention him."

I'm an idiot. How did I not realize that sooner? I had no idea that Damien disliked Ethan to that extent. When he said he was jealous of Ethan before, he must really serious.

"It's very clear now." Axel said.

"What is?" I asked him, not knowing what he was talking about.

"Ohhh... what should I do with you?" Axel sighed. "Anyway, Damien is waiting for you, you have to approach him first." Axel explained.

I don't really understand it, but it seems that I am at fault. I should apologize again.

I stood in front of unit 20D's door nervously. "What are you waiting for?" Axel asked and pressed the doorbell.

The door was opened by James. "Teo. Ohh, finally..." He said with a relieved smile.

Finally? What does he mean by that?

When we entered their unit, Clark was in the living area watching a movie. "Who was that?" He asked James as he looked back. His face turned pink the moment he saw Axel and I walked in.

"He ran..." Axel said, dumbfounded, as we watched Clark make a dash to his room.

"Did you do something to him? Why did he run away?" I asked him.

"I don't know, but I'm going to figure it out." Axel replied. "Talk to Damien, I'll talk to Clark." He said before walking towards Clark's door.

James chuckled as he watched Axel. "Damien is probably doing some schoolwork. Just go in, don't bother knocking. He usually has his headset on while drawing." He told me nicely.

I did as James told me, which, thinking back, was not the best idea. Although, I can't say I fully regret it. It's very embarrassing though.

"Teo!" Damien exclaimed as he hurriedly turned around and took a shirt from his cabinet.

He was shirtless when I got in, and his hair was still wet. Apparently, he just got out of the shower. It was the first time, after a long. And god, it was glorious. You could trace your finger through the crevices of his chest and abs.

Seeing him like that was enough to burn my face. I willed myself to calm down, but to a very little success.

Although it was a sight to behold, seeing his naked body like that made me feel a bit embarrassed. I wanted to look away, but I was simply mesmerized by it. It's embarrassing to say, but he looks really... sigh...

"Sorry... ummm... James... he said to come in... he said you were studying..." I stammered as I turned around. I didn't want him to see my face burning red.

Damien cleared his throat. "Umm... So... Why are you here?" He asked me. He still sounded a bit distant, which made me feel really down.

How should I apologize to him? What should I say?

Seize the Miracle, Capture your Love [BoyxBoy]Where stories live. Discover now