How You Met Aja:-(Out Of Drag)

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  ** Aja identifies as gender fluid. So this story uses the term "They/ Them" to describe them **  

The cinema was packed full of people. I was waiting for my friend to arrive. In one hand I had my phone and in the other, the biggest box of popcorn you could ever lay your eyes on. 7:55pm. She had five minutes to get here. I had already paid for my ticket and it was in my back pocket. I stood agitated as the time ticked on . My phone buzzed and I lifted it to my face to read.

"Sorry , wont be able to make it :( ". It read. I bit my lip angrily. Damn! Without thinking I began to run to the room which we were supposed to see the film together. I ran in handing my ticket to the usher that was monitoring the door. I stepped in to the dark theater and climbed the steps to the back room where my seat was. Row H? Ah here ! I found my seat and sat down. There was one empty seat next to me. I cant believe she couldn't make it. I wast missing this film . It was a film I had wanted to see for months now. The cinema screen was playing the adverts before the film started. I placed the popcorn box in the holder next to me and beg munching away on the crispy goodness. 

"Excuse me ?" Said a voice from the walkway at the side of me. I turned to see a person wearing a flat peak hat . They had a septum piercing in their nose. I noticed they had both ears stretched and they wore 2 plugs. They had bright colour clothing on. I could just make them out with how dark the theater was.

"Is this row H?" They asked quietly.

"Yes it is " I answered back.

"Thanks" They said . They wiggled past as I was sat on the end seat me and sat in the seat next to me . It was the only seat left and was supposed to be for my friend.

"Sorry. There isn't much seats left and this was the one they gave me at the booth. My friend was supposed to come but he couldn't make it " They said. I turned to them with a gobsmacked face.

"Your friend bailed to?" I said. I giggled as they looked at me.

"My friend bailed to. But I wasn't missing out on this film" I added. 

"Me neither, I have wanted to see this for like , forever." They said.

"I'm Jay" They said leaning closer to my ear so I could hear them better.

"(Y/N)" I leaned over whispering back. Our faces were inches away from each other. I could smell their cologne. It was a mix of both female and male. They smelled gorgeous! The cinema screen boomed as the title of the film began to take up the screen.  Jay wiggle in his seat excitedly.

" Honey ! I cant wait for this film! " They said. The film began to start and I completely zoned out. I forgot where I was that I had taken my shoes off and put my feet up on my chair.  I reached over and put my hand in to my popcorn box and felt something that wasn't popcorn. It was warm and soft. That's not popcorn ! What is that! I turned quickly to see Jays hand in my popcorn box. I didn't say anything I just stared. Jay noticed me staring and turned to me. 

"Oh shit, I am so sorry ! I thought that was my box. My bad, its on the other side" He whispered loudly. I laughed quietly.

"Its Ok, we can share , I cant eat all this to myself." I mumbled. I saw a smile creep across his face as they put their hand back in to the box. The light off the screen reflecting off their face.

"Your loss bitch, this is some good popcorn" They said . I shook my head as I smiled widely. Who was this person? They were so confident and they were someone I wanted to get to know better. I turned my attention back to the film. I felt something slide on to my leg. I looked down and saw Jays hand quickly go back to his side. I looked at my thigh and they placed a pack of sweets on my leg. 

"Whats this for " I asked in a whisper. Jay leaned over and whispered.

"I'm sharing. I am a nice person"They said teasingly. I blushed as I opened the packet of sweets they had given me. The film carried on for another hour. There was action , violence, love. I had sat through the whole thing mesmerized. The end credits rolled. The lights came back on and the room quickly began clearing. Jay stood up and wiggled passed me again. I was putting my shoes on as he stood in the walkway.

"So I guess Ill see you around ?" They said sweetly. 

"I hope " I said back. Jay smirked as they looked me up and down. They looked at me for a moment and then turned on their heels and headed down the steps and out of the exit door. Will I ever seem them again? I tied up my laces and turned to my right to collect the empty box of my popcorn. As I picked it up I noticed a little business card on the bottom of the box. Confused, I pulled it out and began to read it. It had Jays face on one side and on the other it had a beautiful woman , dressed to the nines wearing a bright yellow wig. Who was that? I saw a mobile number on the bottom. Did they want me to call them? My belly fluttered as I looked down at the number. I would definitely be calling them.

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