How You Met:- Raven (Out Of Drag)

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I clipped my dog's lead to her collar and patted her head gently. Leila was a big dog. She was a rottweiler. She was the sweetest , most gentle dog you could ever meet. She loved long walks on the beach , treats and of course her belly rubbed .

"You ready for a walk girl" I said, bending down to her. Her tail wagged widely as we stood at the front door of our house. She was so excited to go to the dog park. I opened the door slowly , her nose smelling the fresh air through the crack in the door. I opened the door all the way and she jumped off the step on to the cool pavement. I smiled shutting the door behind me and locking it. Putting my house keys away in to my pocket. I breathed in the fresh air and began to walk down the street. The streets were quiet. It was the middle of the day so most people were at school or work.

We got to the entrance of the dog park. There were a few dogs off their leads. Running around with their owners, chasing ball in the open field and playing around in the small lake that was situated just off the main walk way. I kept Leila on her lead as we began to walk up the walkway to the main field , where I could let her off and explore freely. I was in daydream land , looking around at the birds in the sky , the beautiful white clouds making shapes in the sky. I blocked out all the noise and just fell in to my own world. I heard a small yapping sound. It sounded like a small dog. I looked around me and noticed Leila was getting agitated. There was a small Chihuahua dog running circles around me. Leila was running around after the small dog. Her lead was wrapping around my legs with her. They were both running around in circles around my feet.

"Leila!" I shouted. Her lead was tight around my legs, I lost my balance and fell backwards. Leila moved out the way and the small dog ran away yapping loudly. Leila licked my face as I tried to sit up.

"Oh my god are you Ok" I heard a voice say. I looked up to see a shaven haired man with ear piercings. He wore a black tank top. He had his hands over his mouth , looking down at me with a horrified look.

"I'm , I'm Ok " I managed to say , untangling myself from the dogs lead. He outstretched his hand to help me up off the path,. I took it and he pulled me strongly from the floor. I brushed myself off , still holding on to Leila's lead.

"I cannot tell you how sorry I am. Mimi's lead unclipped and she ran. Are you hurt ? " He asked.

"I am fine , honestly" I said with a smile. He smiled back warmly.

"I'm David " He said. He beamed showing all his pearly white teeth.

(Y/N)". He bent downwards and patted Leila on the head.

"You are beautiful. I'm sorry my dog scared you" He said sweetly. Leila licked his hand . He chuckled and stood up straight.

"You have a beautiful dog" He said to me.

"She is my best friend" I said , looking down to my side. Leila looked up at me , tongue hanging out her mouth with what looked like a smile on her face. At his side was "Mimi". She was so small.

"Your a little diva causing all this drama" I said. Mimi yapped loudly at me as she began to run in and out of Davids legs.

"She is a very naughty little diva" He grumbled. He crouched down and scooped Mimi up. She was tiny. He held her close to him.

"Again ,my apologies for causing this. Can I make it up to you with coffee one day in the week?" He said with a smile. I looked at the floor and blushed. I couldn't say no. He was after all , very handsome.

"Sure " I said looking back up at him. His face lit up with my answer.

"Cool, meet me at Starbucks on Thursday? 11 o clock He suggested. I nodded. He stroked the top of Mimi's head.

"And we wont be bringing you" He said. We both laughed in unison.  

He placed Mimi on the floor and clipped her lead back to her collar.

"Ill see you around sweetie"He said. He walked passed me towards the exit of the park. His cologne wafting around me . I inhaled . He smelled so good. I looked down at Leila. She looked back at me with her black eyes. It was as if she knew what she had done. I shook my head with the biggest smile ever.

"You naughty girl"

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