How You Met:- Jujubee (Out Of Drag)

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I just got off the plane at America and was making my way to collect my suitcase from the conveyor belt. My suitcase was pink in colour so it was hard to mix mine up with anyone else. Everyone seemed to be snatching their suitcases off  the belt but I couldn't yet see mine. I finally seen my pink case coming around the corner. I picked it up quickly but as I did another hand grabbed it at the same time. I looked to my left to see a short male with black hair and thick rimmed glasses.

"Um , sorry this is my bag " I snapped. Her glared at me as if I had two heads.

"This is my bag!" He shouted back. We both frowned at each other in confusion. What was happening?

"I have a bright pink bag exactly like this suitcase! " He shouted at me ,  he bent forward, picking up his hand luggage and waving it at me. 

"But I know what mine looks like, and it looks like this " I said frustrated. Just then another pink bag came around on the conveyor belt. We both looked at each. I reached over and picked it up . The both of us were now stood there with the same pink suitcase. I looked around the bag for a name but the name had fallen off during the flight. The male looked down at the one he picked up and there was no name on it either.

"How are we going to work this out" I said. I giggled slightly at the situation. He giggled as well. He placed the suitcase on its side on the floor and opened it.

"Well girl we are going to have a tough time figuring it out, because I have dresses and heels in mine and it looks like someone has dropped the cases, all the clothes are mixed up." He said. I widened my eyes. What was he talking about. He laughed loudly and grabbed my arm.

"I am a drag queen. I'm Airline ,but just call me Jujubee" He said. I smiled.

"Nice to meet you I am (Y/N)" I answered. We both picked up a pink suitcase each and walked over to a spare seating area. We placed them both on the floor, sat down on and opened them. Both suitcases were filled to the brim with women's clothes. This was going to take some time. Not only that. Everything was mixed. I had Jujubee's clothes mixed with mine. I sighed and scratched my head. Lets get this sorted. The first thing I picked up was a beautiful purple sequin dress, I knew it wasn't mine. I slowly handed the dress to Jujubee. He took it from me and put it up against him.

"This is my favorite dress. "He said and laughed. 

"It is beautiful" I said admiring the sparkles. Jujubee pulled a dress out from the other suitcase. It was a denim dress that was frayed at the bottom. That. was mine.

"Ew"He said chucking it at me. I couldn't be offended. He did have better taste in clothes than I did.  We started rummaging through the suitcases. We looked through the heels , the tops , skirts , dresses. All of Jujubees clothes were amazingly beautiful . We finally came to an end and were on the last two pair of heels. They were black heels that were heavily rhinestoned. And a pair of white heels with a small bow on the front. 

"These are killer" I said looking at them at the black pair in awe. Jujubee giggled and smiled at me

"There yours if you want them" She said. My heart pounded. Was he serious!

"Oh I couldnt" I said trying to pass him the heels. He pushed them away from himself.

"Seriously, I can stone some other shoes." She smiled, his teeth gleaming. He held my pair of white shoes in his hand. Looking at them , imagining them sparkly.  

"You are welcome to mine" I said, already knowing he had his made his mind up about wanting them.

"Thank you " I said stunned. We finally sorted the suitcases closed them up and began to walk slowly to the exit of the airport. 

"So what else do you do other than drag" I asked curiously. He looked at me.

"I like long walks on the beach , big dicks, and friend chicken." I couldn't contain my laughter as he said it with such a serious face. His serious face turned to a smile. We both stopped at the exit of the airport.

"I'm glad we bumped in to each other " Jujubee said. 

"Me to". We took one last look at each other . 

"Oh!" Jujubee exclaimed. He reached in to his pocket and handed me his phone.

"Put your phone number in there. I'll let you know when the next drag show is and you can come and watch me rock out in your heels" He said. He winked and giggled. I quickly punched my number in and handed him his phone back. He stepped over quickly and hugged me tightly . 

"See you around " He said. He grabbed hold of his suitcase handle and left through the exit. It wasn't everyday you met a drag queen , got your suitcases, dropped , mixed up and sorted through in the space of an hour. But I am totally going to that drag show ! 

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