First Date With:- Trixie Mattel

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The small club was over run with people . Trixie had told me to meet her here, but time seemed to be getting on and I couldn't see her anywhere among all these people. I heard there was a an act tonight on the main stage ,which explained why there was so many people here. I was sat at the front of the stage. I had a full glass of alcohol that I hadn't touched yet as I was waiting for Trixie. I looked down at my watch. She wasn't going to come. I wasted my time. Just as I was about to stand up from my seat , a voice spoke over the speakers.

"Ladies and Gentleman, please welcome , Miss Trixie Mattel!". The lights dimmed and the stage lit up. I turned to face the stage and was taken back. Trixie walked on to the stage looking beautiful as ever. She wore a light purple wig and a purple jeweled leotard. She wore black , holed tights and cute black heels. 

"Hi everyone !" She said as she walked to the centre of the stage. She waved at the crowd and smiled with that beautiful , white, gleaming smile. In her hand was her guitar. 

"So I am gonna sing a song for you guys , but first can we talk about how cute this girl is here in the front?" Trixie said. She pointed to me , a big , bright light beamed down on me . My skin went hot as I blushed madly. The hot light didn't help. The whole room began applauding and wit wooing as I sat bolt right up in my seat. I smiled awkwardly as I looked around. Trixie had this wicked smile on her face as the room laughed and cheered at me .

"Isn't she a doll!" She shouted! I tucked my hair behind my ear and looked down at the floor. I am so embarrassed ! Trixie laughed loudly over the microphone.

"Now eyes back at me . I'm beautiful too! " She teased. The light dimming off my hot and sweaty skin back to Trixie who was looking down at me . She began to pluck the strings of her pink guitar and sung. Her voice made the whole room fall quiet. She sung so beautifully. The song was one of her own. Trixie kept looking down the stage toward me. I was mesmerized by her. Her voice ,her talent. Everything. I didn't expect her to be singing on stage on our first date.Her voice sent shivers down my spine.

"A really pretty girl in a really small town" She sang , looking at me and smiling as she sung. My heart skipped over and over .  I couldn't contain my feelings. She was truly an amazing , unique and attractive person. She finished her song and bowed to the crowd. The whole room was on their feet , clapping and cheering. I stood up with them and clapped loudly. She gave a little wave and made her way off the stage. Trixie stepped off the stage and clip clopped over in her heels. She stood next to me at my table. She placed her right hand on to my left shoulder. 

"How was that for a first date? " She said. Her makeup was perfection.

"I was not expecting that! " I answered. She laughed loudly throwing her head back.

"Oh Honey. I wouldn't do that for just anyone "She said smirking. I grinned back at her.

"You are just a bundle of awesome. Your just out of this world" I blurted out before even thinking. I saw her cheeks flush pink. She fiddled around with her necklace as she stared at me. She was so sweet.

"Thank you , you are to" She said. The world felt like it had stopped. Did she like me as much as I liked her? Oh my god, I could scream!. Without another word uttered, Trixie stepped forward and put her arms around me , pulling me close to her , our chests pushed against each other. She rested her head on my shoulder as I did with her. The smell of perfume in her hair and on her neck. My belly churned. Pinch me I am dreaming! The hug lasted  a few seconds and she let go of me and stepped back. 

"Come on , I think I owe you a drink for singling you out like that!" She said. She moved forward a little and took my right hand in hers. Her hands were so soft. She had a glistening, big ring on her finger. She smiled and began to pull me towards the bar. So many emotions rushed through me as we walked hand in hand at each others side to the bar. She turned to me as we walked.

"You will have to come to my apartment . I be able to sing just for you then. Private show" She said leaning in and quietly muttering in my ear. She faced me and winked.

"I would love that" I said excitedly. A show just for me? I was definitely dreaming.

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