How You Met:-Trixie Mattel (Out Of Drag)

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I was at a beautiful wedding reception. The bride and groom had finished their wedding speeches and we already had our lunch and were waiting for the entertainment to start. The wedding was of a distant school friend. I was invited by my friend, Sara, who knew the bride very well but just wanted company here. We were sat at a table with people I didn't really know. They all gossiped back and fourth to each other and over me while I just flashed a friendly smile now and again as they spoke,  and to the people walking about the function room.  The stage was behind me and there was  two gentleman setting up equipment and setting up the lighting.

Sara, who was sat next to me turned to me and smiled.

"There is supposed to be amazing entertainment here tonight. The bride said she had a country singer booked. I cant wait. "She said

"Oh really" I said surprised. 

"Yes! And he also does drag I was told." She giggled slightly before turning back to her friend who was sat the other side of her. Just then the light began to dim and a spotlight brightened on the stage. The stage was only about two or three metres away from where I was sat. I turned and saw a tall man wearing a checked shirt and jeans. He had mousy brown hair and gorgeous big smile. He also wore brown cowboy boots. He sat on the stool that was placed in the middle of the stage. The room fell silent and the man began to position the microphone to his mouth.

"Hi. My names Brian and I'm your entertainment for the night. I'm a country singer so I play guitar and sing like a hillbilly" The crowd laughed. 

"So before we start why don't we break the ice? How do you tell the difference between a frog and a horny today? A frog says ribbit ribbit and a horny toad says rub it, rub it" The whole room laughed loudly. I sniggered to myself. I loved dad jokes.

 He giggled as he looked around the room . He then locked eyes with me. I smiled as he nervously began to re position the mic again. 

"I want to say before I start congratulations to the bride and groom!". He lifted his arm to where the bride and groom were sat just on the other end of the stage.The room cheered.

"Well I wont keep you to long as I know you guys probably want to hit the bar and get drunk." The audience laughed again. He cleared his throat and began to sing in such a beautiful tone. I was mesmerised. He was amazing! Every couple of seconds I noticed him singing to my direction and he would look away nervously. I blushed slightly as he sang the words "And I love you all over again". We locked eyes for a moment before he looked away as the audience cheered. They stood up and clapped as he smiled. Time flew as he sang some beautiful songs and played his guitar like it was no effort.

An hour had passed and I hadn't left the table to get a drink or mingle with anyone like others had. I sat at the front finding myself blushing and staring at his finger work and his voice. 

When he finished he stood up and bowed as we all raised from our seats and clapped and cheered. 

"Thank you" He said as he exited the stage. When he left I excused myself from the table and headed to the bar. I ordered my alcoholic beverage and sat on an empty stool at the bar. Most of the weddings guests were now hitting the dance floor to dance to pop music. I didn't want to embarrass myself with my dodgy dance moves so sat quietly at the bar looking up at the clock just waiting for the right time to leave. Not knowing anybody I was getting bored while waiting for my friend. I quickly downed my drink and slammed it down on the bar.

"Ill have a beer please. And whatever the lady would like" I heard a voice next to me say to the bartender.

I turned to see Brian, the entertainment singer, smiling.

"Oh no honestly I am fine" I said nervously. He was gorgeous. And he smelled amazing to!

"No. I would like to get you one. I wont take no for an answer anyway. And don't pick something cheap just because I am paying "He said again.

"What will it be" Asked the bartender.

"Oh , Um , I'll just have a glass of red wine please."I said awkwardly. I blushed as there was an awkward pause between Brian and me.

"So, did you like the entertainment? I'm Brian" He said chirpily. I turned to face him.

"I loved it! Im (Y/N)  " I said happily. He chuckled slightly. His smile glistened. I had to stop myself from staring at him.

"I'm glad, its my passion. I love singing. That and I am also a drag queen". My mouth opened.

"Really! I would never say." Without another word he fished his phone out of his shirt pocket and showed me a photo of a beautiful woman dressed head to toe in drag. Bright pink hair, wild makeup, and a beautiful dress. It was like looking at a life sized barbie.

"Is that you!" I said shocked. He nodded.

"Your beautiful!"I blurted. 

"And not just beautiful in drag" He said cockily as he pouted his lips. We both laughed.

"You can say that again" I mumbled looking down. Hoping he wouldn't hear it

"Thanks. Your beautiful to" He said. My heart skipped and my belly somersaulted. I couldn't stop blushing. I looked up to be meeted by gorgeous brown eyes. 

"You are beautiful. I couldn't take my eyes off you while I was singing". I just smiled awkwardly. He shook his head. 

"I'm so sorry my flirting game is not strong".  He went in to his pocket and pulled back out his phone and slid it across the bar to me. 

"If you want, you could put your number in my phone and ill ring you sometime. I'm sure you would love to see my drag wardrobe". I smiled and without hesitation picked up his phone and punched my number in , passing it back to him. 

"Is that an invitation?" I said in a flirty tone as I passed back his mobile. He looked at me as we stared at each other. Taking in every feature. He stood up off the chair and came closer to me.

"Maybe. I have to pack up my equipment, ill message you tomorrow. It was so nice to meet you (Y/N). I'll eagerly wait for your reply. Maybe you can try one some of my dresses " He said as he rubbed his hands down his hips

"They are so comfy" He whispered.I smirked as I couldn't imagine him in a barbie dress. 

"I will look forward to it" I answered and I once again looked him up and down. He placed his hand on to my shoulder. 

"Ill speak to you soon". He said. And with that he made his way through the dancing wedding guests who were dancing wildly on the dance floor. I was now the same colour as a tomato. The bartender stood opposite me behind the bar. 

"Another drink ma'am" He asked. I turned to him, heart widely pumping, face red, belly churning with butterflies.

"Yes. Large"

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