How You Met:- Katya Zamolodchikova (Out Of Drag)

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I was stood outside the club smoking my cigarette. It was cold out and I shivered as the breeze hit my legs. Why did I wear a dress in this weather. I breathed in the sharp smoke and exhaled. There were a few others outside smoking to. I came here alone to see a drag show. I didn't have much else to do and the posters on every shop window made me even eager to come and watch the show. Next minute. A few guys came down the stairs next to me, exiting the club to the smoking area. They were laughing and giggling. I stood quietly and watched them. There were 4 of them in total.

"That show was amazing. I totally under estimated her talent"

"Her dancing was incredible. I need to practice my death drop a bit more."

"Girl you cant even do one!". I overheard them all talking about tonight's performance. Just then , one of the guys turned to me.

"Hey excuse me, do you have a lighter I could borrow " He said . He had dark blonde hair and blue eyes. He wore a red and black checkered shirt and jeans. I smiled as I reached in to my pocket without saying anything and handed him my blue lighter. He seemed cute , in a dorky sort of way.

"Oh! Nice shoes ! " He said pointing to my very high black platform heels.  I looked down.

"Oh thank you. There getting a bit worn now" I answered , moving my feet to the sides so he could get a better glimpse.

"I neeeed a pair" He said gawping down at the floor. I raised an eyebrow , confused. Did I hear that right? He laughed loudly.

"I'm a drag queen" He said so confidently.  My eyes widened.

"No way ! That's awesome ! Were you one of the acts ?" I asked , trying to recall all the drag queens I had seen on stage that night.

"Oh no no no, I came to watch." He said with a smile , he leaned over to me

"I am waaaaaay better than them" He whispered loudly. I smiled .

"Hey Katya who's your friend" Said a voice from behind him. He turned to his friend , then back at me.

"Oh this is .... sorry I didn't catch your name" He stood there beaming at me. He had such a friendly and warm smile.

"I'm (Y/N) , I didn't quite catch yours either " I said nervously.

"Brian. But you can call me Yekaterina Petrovna Zamolodchikova". My mouth opened and no words could exit. How the hell do I pronounce that. All his friends behind him started laughing.

"Just call him Katya Honey. You will hurt yourself even trying to pronounce it ". I blushed a little with embarrassment.  Katya seemed a lot easier than whatever gibberish came out of his mouth.

"So do you enjoy drag?" He said as he began to light his fag and inhale. 

"I'm new to the scene, seen it advertised and thought I would check it out" I answered truthfully.

"Well , you should totally come see me . I am the best. I'm the bright red scare with the long blonde hair" He said winking. I nodded without hesitation.

"I would love to" I said grinning.  He clapped his hands quickly in excitement. 

"Give me your phone" He demanded. I quickly went in to my handbag and pulled my phone out and handed it to him. He started to punch a lot of different numbers and letters in to my phone and handed it back to me. 

"This is where I will be preforming in 2 weeks time. Its about 2 blocks from here. You can then decide for yourself "He said sweetly. I nodded. He sounded so much fun to be around.

"Ill be there " I answered. He laughed again.

"I will be looking forward to it. I be looking out for you". He turned quickly on his heels and went back to join his group of friends. I smiled to myself as I looked down at the address on my phone.

"I will definitely be there " I mumbled.

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