How You Met:- Jujubee

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I came to watch my friend , who happened to be a drag queen , perform at the local bar. The show was just ending and he had performed and danced with all types of different queens on the stage. I was stood backstage, waiting to meet up with him. He finally came around the corner.

"You were incredible! " I shouted . We both ran at each other and hugged. He was beautiful. His dress tonight was a short purple dress with very high heel boots which I would never be able to walk in. 

"Thank you. I did see you in the crowd" He said leaving me go. He stepped back and took both my hands in his.

"You know me . Always front row" I always came to his shows to cheer him on and make sure he had all the support. The place was packed so he obviously did well. He had only been doing drag a year. His stage name was Lillian Long Dong.

"Did you see all the queens dancing with me" He said excitedly. From behind  him another queen emerged.

"Hi!" They said sweetly. She was a short queen with long dark , brown hair. She wore a blue dress. I had seen her on the stage with Lillian earlier and I remember her name being Jujubee. 

"Hi nice to meet you" I said. I raised my hand , expecting her to take my hand and shake it. 

She giggled and walked over to me , giving me a big bug. She squeezed me tightly.

"We are all sisters here. Don't need to be formal. I'm Jujubee." She said , breaking the hug. I stepped back and looked her up and down.

"You are outstanding. I seen you on the stage . That lip sync had me gagging" I said. 

"Why thank you. I am just overflowing with talent" She said flicking her hair. 

"Come in my dressing room" Lillian said. He quickly linked my arm and lead me down the corridor to one of the rooms leading off on the right. I walked in and the room was full of different dresses , shoes , hats. It was full of drag clothes for the other queens that performed tonight. Lillian sat down on one of the chairs that was under the table, situated in the middle of the room. He pulled his heels off , chucking them in a pile on the floor in front of him. Jujubee pulled another two seats out from under the table and pointed to an empty seat.

"Have a seat sweetie " Said Jujubee. She sat down and I followed  by sitting on the spare chair.

"So how did you guys meet?" I asked breaking the ice between Lillian and Jujubee.

"Well ,we met about a year ago in a grotty bar about 3 miles from here and we performed the best lip sync known to man , with a crowd of about 6" She giggled loudly. Lillian laughed with her. 

"That bar was the worst" Jujubee said. She pulled her shoes off and threw them to the side.She leaned back in her chair and twirled her air around her finger.

"Us three should totally spend the evening together sometime. You both could get to know each other. Could hit a few clubs , drink a few mojitos" Lillian chimed in , pulling the blonde wig off and scratching his head underneath. Jujubee looked at me and smiled.

"I would love to get to know you better " She said with a beautiful , white smile. I blushed as she started at me.

"You seem fun and outgoing and I love everyone so we will get on just fine " She winked again. I broke the stare by looking at Lillian.

"You say a place and time and I will be there". I answered.

"How about tonight.? We can hit the town and local drag clubs and afterwards. Get friend chicken" Jujubee said. I nodded.

"That sounds like an amazing plan" I said. Jujubee stood up and grabbed her shoes off the floor and quickly placed them back on.

"Now! Lets go now!" She said . She walked over to me and linked my arm . We looked at Lillian who was now rushing to put his wig back on and shoes. Stumbling around the room he finally had his heels back on.

"First round is on you!" My friend said pointing to me. Jujubee tightened her grip on my arm.

"That's fine by me , I would love to buy you a drink " She whispered quietly. My heart pounded as I turned to her and she smiled

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