How You Met:- Alaska Thunderfuck

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My friend,  had bought me a ticket to a drag show. It was an early birthday present and I was so excited to go. Spending the evening picking out the perfect outfit with my friend and stuffing our purses full of money to tip the queens and for alcohol . We caught the last train and made our way to the venue. It was dark outside and the club was situated at the end of a dark alley. There were all types of different clubs and venues in and around the alley. There was a big neon light flashing about the venue that said "Drag " in big pink writing .
"I don't think this is it "My friend said sarcastically . We laughed, linking arms and walked in to the club. The music was loud and the place was packed full of different people of age and gender. There were drag queens walking around past us and sitting at the tables enjoying their drinks. Dancing around tables and having fun. We were elbow to elbow with people. My friend held my arm tightly. 

"I don't think we are going to be able to watch the show standing back her" She shouted in to my ear over the music. We were both stood at the back of the main room . I stood on my tip toes to see if I could see any seats. There was none , the show was about to start any minute. My friend pulled my arm as she began to manoeuvre through the crowd. Her grip tightened as she squeezed and pushed past people to try and get to the front. We were a few rows away and we couldn't possibly go any further. There were tables and chairs in the way of us and there were people standing and sitting around us.

"We will have to stand here" I said looking around. I felt a hand on my left shoulder and turned to see a beautiful woman smiling down at me . She had beautiful makeup and long blonde hair. She wore a big black bow in her hair and wore a tight , leather dress with the biggest pair of boots I had ever seen. It took a few minutes to realise she was a drag queen.

"Hiiiii" She said grinning. I looked up at her as she towered over me , smiling. 

"Hi" I answered confused.

"Can you not stand there , your kinda in the way of everyone.  Have you got a seat?" She said slowly , dragging out her words. 

"We just got here, I would have come earlier if I knew it was going to be this packed." I answered , looking around again. She laughed at me and removed her hand from my shoulder.

"You should come sit on my table. We have two seats free. A few of the girls didn't turn up" She said slowly again. 

"That would be awesome! " My friend piped in.

"Cool. You guys look like fun" She turned around and slowly walked towards her table , swaying her hips and bum. The padding she wore gave her an amazing figure. She gently moved past everyone and we finally got to her table which was right at the front. She sat down , me next to her and my friend at my side. There were a few other drag queens on her table , they didn't notice we had sat down with them as they were to busy drinking and chatting to one another. 

"I'm Alaska" She said raising her hand as for me to take it . Her nails were incredibly long and painted black. I took her hand in mine and shook .

"(Y/N)" I answered. My friend didn't introduce herself as she was to busy talking to another queen that was sat at her side.

"You have very pretty eyes " Alaska said as she stared in to my eyes. I looked in to hers. Her green eyes looking me up and down. I blushed slightly.

"And yours " I said nervously. 

"You have nice makeup to , but your eyebrows need to be up here , like mine " She said pointing to her perfectly drawn eyebrows. I giggled. Her makeup was so much better than I could ever do.

"I could teach you sometime " She suggested, smiling at me. Her teeth glistening in the light. Was she really asking to hang out!?

"I would love to " I answered without hesitating. I had never befriended a drag queen before. She laughed and then smiled again. She pulled her purse out from under the table and pulled out her phone , passing it to me.

"Put your number in there and we will plan a date. I would love to teach someone my skills" She flicked her hair over her shoulder. I typed my number in to her phone and passed it back to her.

"You can teach me how to do that lip colour " Alaska said , pointing to my lips. I blushed again. The room suddenly went dark and the stage lit up. The room fell silent .The show was about to start.

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