How You Met:- BenDeLaCreme (Out Of Drag)

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The club was bouncing with people. The fog machine was smoking the club so much that you could barely see anyone. Maybe that was the reason I was stood in the middle of the dance floor looking for my friends. Drink in my right hand and trying to squint through the smoke and flashing lights. Where the hell were they ? I was shoulder to shoulder with people as the music blared. I maneuvered through everyone. People kissing , people dancing , dropping moves like It was nobody's business. I could finally see the bar through the smoke . It looked so close but there were so many people around me I couldn't move. I stepped on my tip toes to try and look over. As if my heels wern't high enough, as I stood taller I felt someone harshly bump in to me , knocking me to the floor , drink spilling over myself and the floor, the glass smashed next to me . It took me a moment to realize I was on the floor, I couldn't see who pushed me. All I could see was other peoples legs standing around me. I saw a silhouette figure leaning over me. I squinted to see a black , spiky haired male with a black and white bandanna in his hair . He was wearing a black shirt and had a black jacket on. His hand was raised in front of me. I didn't hesitate and took his hand firmly in mine as he pulled me up off the floor.

"Are you Ok doll!" He shouted over the music. I nodded.

"I think so!" I shouted back.

"Follow me" He mouthed. He still held my hand firmly as he pulled me through the crowds of people. Where was he taking me? He kept turning back to look at me to make sure I was Ok. He looked very concerned. He had walked me all the way over to the quieter end of the club, the music growing fainter with every step we took. We were near the toilets. They were placed in a small hallway. He let go of my hand once we were out of site from the blaring music and drunk party goers.

"Are you Ok ? You fell pretty hard back there" He said . I looked down at myself and brushed my dress down with my hands. I was soaking from my spilled drink.

"Yeah , I think I am Ok " I answered. He looked me up and down, he pointed down to my knees.

"Oh my , you have grazed your knees, and your hands look so sore." He said shocked. I didn't even know I cut them !

"Oh its fine , I am fine " I said quietly. My hands were stinging. I put my hands in front of me , my hands were filled with glass and blood.

"Oh my goodness, sit down" He commanded. He pointed the an empty chair that was against the wall of the hallway. I obeyed and sat down on the chair.

"Are you here on your own , you shouldn't be in a place like this on your own." He said sweetly, bending down in front of me.

"I'm looking for my friends. I lost them on the dance floor" I said shakily.

"I don't think you will have much luck finding them here. This place is packed tonight" He said. He was right. I had no hope.

"I'm Ben " He said putting his hand to his chest. He smiled widely.

"I'm (Y/N)" I answered.

"Look I didn't have a chance to thank you back there, so thank you so much for helping me . I had no idea what happened." I added. Ben stood up.

"Some idiot pushed his friend and he fell in to you , sending you flying. Lucky I was there really , nobody else seen you fall" He said with a shocked expression. He began to pull off his jacket and draped it around my arms.

"You wait here " He said. He quickly headed in to the men's toilets. I tried to pull some of the glass from my hands, but with the alcohol I had consumed, it was proving to be a difficult task.

"Here " I heard. I looked up to see Ben holding a wet paper towel. He bent back down and sat on his knees. He raised his hands , waiting for me to give him mine. He took my hands in his and began to wipe the blood from my glass cut hands. He frowned as he concentrated on not to hurt me.

"Thank you " I said again. He looked up and smiled.

"Its the least I can do" He said . My heart skipped as he looked at me. He finished cleaning my hands and stood back on his feet.

"We best get you home. " He said. I nodded in agreement. He helped me from the chair.

"I'll walk you to get a taxi" He said. He took my right hand in his left , he held it tightly as he began to guide me back through the crowded club. He slowly moved people out of the way , making a path for me to safely get to the exit. When we finally managed to get out of the club, we were both stood outside in the cool air. There were lots of different taxis parked at the side of the club . Ben slowly walked me over to one of the taxis and knocked on the window. The driver wound down the window.

"Hell there sir , could you take this lovely lady home " He said. Without a word , the driver nodded. Ben reached in to his pocket and handed the driver some money.

"That wont be necessary!" I said shocked. Ben didn't acknowledge me and opened the back door for me. He finally left go of my hand and turned to me with a smile.

"Just get home safe" He said helping me in to the taxi. I opened the window as he shut the door behind me.

"Wait!" I said as the driver began to start the car.

"Your coat" I said . Ben smiled at me as he was stood on the pavement looking at me.

"You can give it back to me when we meet next" He said. I frowned confused.

"Meet next?" I said.

"Of course. Do you have a phone?" He said leaning in to the car. I reached in to my hand bag and passed him my phone without hesitation. He typed something in and passed me the phone back. I looked at the screen. It was his number.

"Your welcome to give me a text tomorrow and we will arrange to meet" He said. I smiled sweetly. He winked at me and grinned. And with that , he turned on his heels and made his way back to the club

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