I watched him for a moment as he watched me.  It was like he was waiting for me to disappear or something. 

"Are you really here?" he asked, speaking for the first time.  He sounded defeated. 

I nodded.  "Yeah, did you not want me to be?"

He nodded as he strode toward me.  Before I knew it, he had me in his arms as he stood between my legs.  His cheek was pressed against my temple as he held me tight.  All I could do was hold him, too.

"I'm sorry," he said huskily.  "I'm sorry about what happened at the beach last week that made you run.  I shouldn't have done that...but I just couldn't help it."

He pulled back, but his face was still just a few inches away from mine and his arms were still around me. 

"I know it was stupid, but I needed you to know.  And then I had to go and kiss you..."

The kiss.  The one that killed him. 

Only he didn't remember that part. 

"It's okay," I said.  "You're talking about when you told me you loved me, right?"

He grimaced and looked away.  "Yeah," he said.  "I can't help it, though.  I've loved you ever since I met you."

It was my turn to grimace.  "I know.  You told me," I said.

His eyes were back on mine then.  "So where did you go for a week?" he asked.  "We all thought you were dead."

I laughed humorlessly.  "That's what Molly said," I said.  "I went to stay with an old friend.  We didn't really do much.  I had her older brother drop me off this morning."

His eyes darkened slightly.  Apparently he didn’t like the idea of me in a car with another guy.  Possessive much?

"I want you to answer a question honestly for me," he said.  "Can you do that?"

I nodded.

It took him a few moments before he seemed to find the courage to ask me.  He swallowed hard and I could feel his heart beating against my chest. 

"I know I should put this subject to rest, but I need to know," he said, looking at me with a serious, though nervous, expression.  "Would you ever be able to love me the same way I love you?"

"Lee..." I groaned.  "Don't make me answer that, because I know you won't like it."

He shook his head.  "No, just answer it.  I want to know."

Something moved in the shadow of the corner across the room behind him.  My eyes focused in the spot, trying to see what was there, but then Lee turned my chin in his direction again, making me look at him. 

"Tell me."

I bit the inside of my lip before I shook my head.  "I love you, Lee, but I'm not in love with you.  Maybe I could someday, but I'm scared.  I don’t want to love you that way," I admitted.  "I'm not good for you.  I'm not good for anyone, not even..."

"Bullshit," he growled, cutting me off.  "Why do you think you wouldn't be good for me?"

Because if I kissed you, I'd kill you again, I wanted to say. 

"I just do," I said.

There it was again, that slight movement in the shadow of the corner.  My eyes went back to it, trying to figure out what it was. 

Lee was turning my face toward his again.  "Well, if you change your mind, be sure to let me know," he said.  "Because I'll always be here, whenever and however you need me.  But I'll be your friend for right now, no matter how much it's going to hurt me to be just that.  I won't try anything on you again because I don't want you to run."

I smiled slightly, shaking my head.  "Alright," I said.

He smiled and leaned forward to hug me again. 

I laid my head against his, but my eyes went back to the shadows of the corners.  When I could actually see what was there, my heart started beating double time.  Lee's arms tightened around me, so he undoubtedly took it for something else.

Damon was standing there in the darkness of the corner, looking the same as he did only a little while ago when I left him.  I could mostly see his eyes as they flared as he watched me in Lee's arms.  It looked like he wanted to come out of the shadows and rip me away from him, but he was restraining himself.  Barely, but he still was. 

His fiery blue eyes met mine then and softened.  At that moment, all I wanted to do was get away from Lee, too, and go hug Damon, be wrapped up in his arms like I was Lee's.  Just like he was, I had to restrain myself, too. 

Damon stood there looking at me for another moment before his mouth formed the word 'goodbye' and he stepped back, melting back into the shadows. 

***Kind of short, I know, but that's how I wanted it to be!  

So tell me what you think!  Next chapter is going to be FREAKIN' AMAZING, so if you want it you have to comment and vote like crazy!!!1  I might try to get it up tonight.  But if not, it'll be up Tuesday!  :D

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